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The Drug Control Repository is an information management portal aimed at facilitating the dissemination of information regarding the implementation of the International Drug Control Conventions namely the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 as amended by the 1972 Protocol, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 and the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988.


Database of Legislation on Drug Control

Electronic database of national laws and regulations enacted to implement the international drug control conventions, searchable by country and topic.

**** Please note that the migration of resources and upload of most recent laws is currently ongoing. ****

Legal Provisions on Drug-related Offences

National legal provisions on drug-related offences, enacted to implement the international drug control conventions, as part of the database of legislation "Sharing Electronic Resources and Laws on Crime" (SHERLOC).

CNA Directory for International Cooperation

Directory of competent national authorities - and related information - designated in accordance with and to facilitate implementation of the following provisions of the United Nations Convention against  Illicit  Traffic  in  Narcotic Drugs  and  Psychotropic  Substances of 1988:

  • Article 6 (extradition);
  • Article 7 (mutual legal assistance);
  • Article 17 (illicit traffic by sea).

Other Resources

Additional information relevant to drug control, namely:

  • International drug control conventions
  • Commentaries on the conventions
  • Other relevant databases on drug control
  • Relevant Glossaries
  • Relevant Publications
  • National Drug Control Strategies or Policies
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