Highlighted articles
Part 10: Crimes against rights of property
Section 250
Crimes involving computers
Part 10: Crimes against rights of property
Section 251
Crimes involving computers
Part 10: Crimes against rights of property
Section 266
Part 10: Crimes against rights of property
Sections 249, 252
Crimes involving computers
Part 10: Crimes against rights of property - Arson, damage, and waste
Section 267-270 & 272
Part 11: Threatening, conspiring, and attempting to commit offences
Section 310
Part 1: Jurisdiction
Section 5-8
Part 4: Parties to the commission of offences
Section 66
Part 5: Crimes against public order
Section 92-97
Part 5: Crimes against public order
Section 98-98AA
Slave dealing
Part 5: Crimes against public order
Section 98A
Participation in criminal gang
Part 5: Crimes against public order
Section 98B
Smuggling and trafficking in people
Part 5: Crimes against public order
Section 98C
Smuggling and trafficking in people
Part 5: Crimes against public order
Section 98D
Smuggling and trafficking in people
Part 5: Crimes against public order
Section 98E
Smuggling and trafficking in people
Part 5: Crimes against public order - Treason and other crimes against the Sovereign and the State
Section 79
Part 6: Crimes affecting the administration of law and justice
Section 101
Bribery and corruption
Part 6: Crimes affecting the administration of law and justice
Section 104-105
Bribery and corruption
Part 7: Crimes against religion, morality, and public welfare
Section 131B
Sexual Crimes
Part 8: Crimes against the person - Abduction, kidnapping
Section 209
Part 9a: Crimes against personal privacy
Section 216D
Part 9a: Crimes against personal privacy
Sections 216B-C