92 Piracy
(1) Every one who does any act amounting to piracy by the law of nations, whether that act is done within or outside New Zealand,—
(a) shall upon conviction thereof be sentenced to imprisonment for life if, in committing piracy, he murders, attempts to murder, or does any act likely to endanger the life of any person:
(b) is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years in any other case.
(2) Any act that by the law of nations would amount to piracy if it had been done on the high seas on board or in relation to a ship shall be piracy for the purposes of this section if it is done on board or in relation to an aircraft, whether the aircraft is on or above the sea or is on or above the land.
Compare: 1908 No 32 s 121
93 Piratical acts
(1) Every one commits a piratical act who—
(a) within New Zealand, or, being a New Zealand citizen or a person ordinarily resident in New Zealand, outside New Zealand, under pretence of any commission from any State other than New Zealand (whether or not that State is at war with New Zealand) or under pretence of authority from any person whatever, commits an act of hostility or robbery:
(b) within or outside New Zealand, enters into any New Zealand ship and throws overboard or destroys any goods on board the ship:
(c) within or outside New Zealand, on board any New Zealand ship—
(i) turns enemy or rebel and piratically runs away with the ship or any boat, weapons, ammunition, or goods; or
(ii) voluntarily yields up the ship or any boat, weapons, ammunition, or goods to any pirate; or
(iii) counsels or procures any person to yield up or run away with any ship, goods, or merchandise, or to turn pirate or go over to pirates; or
(iv) assaults the master or commander of any ship in order to prevent him from fighting in defence of his ship and goods; or
(v) imprisons or restrains the master or commander of any ship; or
(vi) makes or endeavours to make a revolt in the ship.
(2) Subsection (1) shall extend and apply to aircraft as it applies to ships; and for the purposes of this subsection any reference in subsection (1) to the master or commander of any ship shall be read as a reference to the pilot in command of an aircraft.
Compare: 1908 No 32 s 122
94 Punishment of piratical acts
Every one who commits any piratical act—
(a) shall upon conviction thereof be sentenced to imprisonment for life if, in committing that act, he murders, attempts to murder, or does any act likely to endanger the life of any person:
(b) is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years in any other case.
Compare: 1908 No 32 ss 122, 123
95 Attempts to commit piracy
Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years who, within or outside New Zealand, attempts to do any act amounting to piracy by the law of nations.
96 Conspiring to commit piracy
Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who, within or outside New Zealand, conspires with any other person to do any act amounting to piracy by the law of nations.
97 Accessory after the fact to piracy
Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who, within or outside New Zealand, is accessory after the fact to any act amounting to piracy by the law of nations.