Base de Datos de Legislación

Participación en un grupo delictivo organizado
  • Delitos

    • • Organización, dirección, ayuda, incitación, facilitación o asesoramiento en aras de la comisión de un delito que entrañe la participación de un grupo delictivo organizado
      • Participación en las actividades delictivas de un grupo delictivo organizado
      • Participación en otras actividades de un grupo delictivo organizado
      • Acuerdo para cometer un delito grave (confabulación)
 Book II - Title III
 Article 188-189
 Chapter I

Fecha de entrada en vigor:



Fecha de aprobación:


Artículos UNTOC

  • Convención contra la Delincuencia Organizada

  • Artículo 5: Penalización de la participación en un grupo delictivo organizado
  • Artículo 11: Proceso, fallo y sanciones
  • Artículo 26: Medidas para intensificar la cooperación con las autoridades encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley
  • Protocolo contra la Trata de Personas

  • Protocolo contra el Tráfico Ilícito de Migrantes

  • Protocolo sobre Armas de Fuego


    Texto original



    Article 188

    Criminal association

    1. Any person who promotes or establishes a group, organization or association the purpose or activity of which is the commission of crimes, is punishable with 2 to 8 years imprisonment.

    2. Any group, organization or association shall be considered criminal if it consists of two or more persons who, for a period of time and in a concerted manner, seek to commit or incite the commission of crimes with intent to disturb public order or directly or indirectly obtain benefit or advantage.

    3. Any person who joins, supports or participates in any of the activities conducted by said criminal group, organization or association is punishable with 2 to 6 years imprisonment.

    4. The head or leader of any group, organization or association referred to in the previous subarticles is punishable with 4 to 12 years imprisonment.

    5. The penalties referred to in the preceding subarticles may be extraordinarily mitigated if the perpetrator hinders or makes serious efforts to hinder continuation of the group, organization or association, or communicates to authorities regarding existence of such a group so as to prevent the commission of crime.

    Article 189

    Instigation to commit a crime

    1. Any person who, publicly and by any means, incites the commission of a crime, is punishable with up to 3 years imprisonment or a fine.

    2. Any person who, in private or publicly, commends or rewards a person who has committed any crime in order to, through such conduct, incite the commission of identical crimes, is punishable with up to 2 years imprisonment or a fine.

    3. Whenever, in the case of the previous subarticles, the crime instigated by the perpetrator is actually committed, the applicable penalty, unless said crime carries a heavier penalty by force of another legal provision, is 2 to 5 years imprisonment.


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