Base de données sur la législation

 Part Two - Chapter VIII
 Article 393

UNTOC articles

  • Convention contre la criminalité organisée

  • Article 10: Responsabilité des personnes morales
  • Protocole relatif à la traite des personnes

  • Protocole relatif au trafic illicite de migrants

  • Protocole relatif aux armes à feu


    Texte original

    Article 393
    If a unit, for the purpose of unproper interests, offers a bribe or offers, in violation of the state's stipulations, commissions and service charges to a state functionary, and if the circumstances are serious, the unit shall be sentenced to a fine, and persons directly in charge and other persons directly responsible for the crime shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention. If illegal gains are obtained by bribing and such gains are taken possession of by a person, the offender shall be decided a crime and punished according to the provisions of Article 389 or Article 390 of this Law.


    Questions transversales

    • Responsabilité

      • Responsabilité des personnes morales

        • • Criminel / pénal