International cooperation
Art. 24. ─ (1) The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and the Public Ministry shall cooperate directly within the specifications of the law, and while abiding by the obligations issuing from the international juridical instruments to which Romania is part, with the institutions having similar prerogatives from other states, as well as with international organizations specialized in this domain.
(2) The cooperation, organized and carried out according to paragraph (1) to the purpose of preventing and combating transnational offense committed by organized criminal groups may have as subject, as the case requires, international judicial assistance in matters of Criminal Law, extradition, identification, blocking, laying distrait and seizure of the products and instruments of the offense, developing joint investigations, information exchange, technical or other kind of assistance for gathering and analyzing information, training specialized personnel, as well as other similar activities.
Art. 25. ─ (1) Within international cooperation in the field of seizure, the authorities qualified according to the law shall take measures for:
a) the receipt, transmission and execution of seizure decisions of the qualified foreign authorities, upon their request, uttered according to the law;
b) the ordering of seizure of goods according to the present law, in case there is a request to this respect from a qualified foreign authority;
(2) The Court may order the transmission of seized goods according to the present article, to the qualified foreign authority that has uttered a request according to the stipulations of paragraph (1), if the following conditions are met:
a) there is a request uttered in this respect by the qualified foreign authority and
b) the goods to be transmitted to this authority are destined to be returned to the injured persons or to serve the justified payment of damage to these persons.
Art. 26.─ (1) Upon request of Romanian qualified authorities or those of other states, on the territory of Romania can take place joint investigations, to the purpose of preventing and combating transnational offense committed by organized criminal groups.
(2) The joint investigations stipulated in paragraph (1) shall take place according to the bilateral or multilateral conventions signed by the qualified authorities.
(3) The representatives of the Romanian qualified authorities may partake in joint investigations taking place on other states’ territories, while abiding by the legislation of these states.