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International Cooperation: ExtraditionX
Found 22 entries
  • Reason for rejection of an extradition request in a cybercrime case
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/dza/reason_for_rejection_of_an_extradition_request_in_a_cybercrime_case.html
  • Algeria
  • Les dispositions de l'article 698 de CPP énumèrent les motifs et raisons régissant le rejet d'une demande d'extradition pour toutes les infractions donnant lieu à extradition y compris les infractions liées aux technologies de  l'information et de la communication, Il s'agit des cas suivants:
    1°) Lorsque l'individu, objet de la demande d'extradition, est de nationalité algérienne lors de la commission de l'infraction en question,
    2°) Lorsque l'infraction revêt un caractère politique ou lorsqu'il résulte des circonstances que l'extradition est demandée dans un but politique,
    3°) Lorsque l'infraction a été commise sur le territoire algérien,
    4°) Dans le cas contraire, et lorsque l'auteur de  ladite infraction y a été poursuivi et jugé définitivement,
    5°) Lorsque, d'après les loi de l'Etat requérant ou celles de l'Etat requis, la prescription de l'action s'est trouvée acquise antérieurement à la demande d'extradition ou la prescription de la peine antérieurement à l'arrestation de l'individu réclamé, et,  d'une façon générale, toutes les fois que l'action publique de l'Etat requérant sera étteinte,
    6°) Si une amnitie est intervenue dans l'Etat requérant ou l'Etat requis, à condition que dans ce dernier cas l'infraction soit au nombre de celles qui peuvent être poursuivies dans cet Etat lorsqu'elles ont été commises hors du territoire de cet Etat par un étranger à cet Etat.

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  • Good extradition practice
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/aus/good_extradition_practice.html
  • Australia
  • Australia recently actioned an extradition request for a person who was wanted for prosecution of an offence relating to the downloading of child exploitation material from the internet. The requesting country sent a draft request by e-mail for consideration and comments prior to presentation through the diplomatic channel. This allowed the Central Authority the opportunity to provide advice regarding additional information that was required. Once the formal request had been received Australia’s Central Authority liaised directly by e-mail with the case officer in the foreign country, apprising him of developments at every stage of the process, including formal receipt of the request, arrest of the fugitive, the outcome of all court hearings and the Minister's determination that the person be surrendered. Once surrender had been approved Australia’s Central Authority continued to liaise directly by e-mail with the case officer in the foreign country to organise an expeditious surrender.

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  • Most common reason for an extradition request in a cybercrime case to be rejected
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/bwa/most_common_reason_for_an_extradition_request_in_a_cybercrime_case_to_be_rejected.html
  • Botswana
  • Botswana often rejects extradition requests on the ground of lack of evidence of the offence.

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  • Good extradition practice
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/can/good_extradition_practice.html
  • Canada
  • In 1999 Canada amended the Extradition Act to permit a more simplified method for seeking extradition from Canada which applies to all requests in cybercrime cases made under a bilateral treaty or a multilateral convention. The amendments enable evidence contained in what is known as a “Record of the Case” to be admitted at the Canadian extradition hearing, if it is certified by a judicial or prosecutorial authority in the manner prescribed by section 33 the Extradition Act. The Record of the Case method simplifies the process because it permits a summary of the evidence to be admitted in the Canadian extradition hearing, as opposed to the actual depositions of the witnesses or the actual reports containing the evidence.

    In the case of a person sought for prosecution, the Record of the Case must contain:

    (1) The name and title of the person preparing the Record of the Case and their involvement in the file. The person preparing the Record of the Case must be a prosecutor or judicial authority who is familiar with the case;

    (2) A brief overview of the facts; and

    (3) A detailed summary of the evidence available for prosecution, including evidence of identity.

    A separate document called the “General Legal Statement”, which is not filed in the Canadian court, is required. The General Legal Statement contains information about the requesting state’s laws pertaining to the offence, the prescription period, and the warrant for arrest. This is the information the Minister of Justice requires in order to ensure that the relevant treaty or convention provisions requiring this information have been complied with.

    A good incoming request for extradition in a cybercrime case is comprised of a certified Record of the Case and separate General Legal Statement, as set out above.

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  • Good extradition practice
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/fra/good_extradition_practice.html
  • France
  • Communication informelle entre autorités centrales afin de permettre le suivi des étapes de la procédure d'extradition, parfois longue.

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  • Pre-conditions before an extradition request in cybercrime cases can be considered
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/deu/pre-conditions_before_an_extradition_request_in_cybercrime_cases_can_be_considered.html
  • Germany
  • Provided the essential principles of German law are not violated, the national law of the Federal Republic of Germany allows, on the basis of reciprocity, for execution of incoming requests for legal assistance without bilateral or multilateral agreements having been made under international law. Requests from foreign authorities are subject to the same procedural requirements as those that apply to a German criminal investigation. If extradition is not covered by a relevant international agreement, international assistance is based on the Law on International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (IRG) of 23 December 1982. If bilateral or multilateral agreements have been concluded between Germany and other States, these are the main authoritative texts governing mutual legal assistance. German law does require dual criminality in cases of extradition and enforcement of sentences.

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  • Pre-conditions before an extradition request in cybercrime cases can be considered
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/jpn/pre-conditions_before_an_extradition_request_in_cybercrime_cases_can_be_considered.html
  • Japan
  • There are two separate pre-conditions; (a) when the request has been made based on an extradition treaty, the request shall meet the requirements of the extradition treaty or (b) when there is no applicable extradition treaty, the request shall include a reciprocity guarantee, on the basis of which the requesting country undertakes to honour a request of the same kind made by Japan.

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  • Good extradition practice
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/mys/good_extradition_practice.html
  • Malaysia
  • The practice of sending and receiving advance copy of extradition requests would assist both Parties to work together to fulfil the necessary requirements under the law to enable the execution of the request.

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  • Pre-conditions before an extradition request in cybercrime cases can be considered
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/mex/pre-conditions_before_an_extradition_request_in_cybercrime_cases_can_be_considered.html
  • Mexico
  • Se debe adjuntar a la solicitud la copia de la orden de detención o, si la persona ya ha sido condenada, copia de la sentencia

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  • Pre-conditions before an extradition request in cybercrime cases can be considered
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/nzl/pre-conditions_before_an_extradition_request_in_cybercrime_cases_can_be_considered.html
  • New Zealand
  • The request must be made by an extradition country, in relation to an extradition offence. The suspect must be in or on their way to New Zealand. If the request is made by a non-commonwealth country, in the absence of an extradition treaty, the Minister of Justice must decide whether to apply the Extradition Act to the offence.

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