All Crimetypes
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Investigation: Other investigative measuresX
Found 27 entries
  • Good Practice for the use of a common investigative measure in a typical (real) cybercrime case
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/dza/good_practice_for_the_use_of_a_common_investigative_measure_in_a_typical_real_cybercrime_case.html
  • Algeria
  • L'exploration du materiel ayant subi l'acte de cybercriminalite en vue de définir l'adresse IP relative à l'auteur de l'acte, laquelle sera localisée et identifiée auprès du fournisseur d'accès correspondant.

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  • Good Practice for the use of a common investigative measure in a typical (real) cybercrime case
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/arg/good_practice_for_the_use_of_a_common_investigative_measure_in_a_typical_real_cybercrime_case.html
  • Argentina
  • En relación con el análisis de logs, es una buena práctica hacer un duplicado de control para minimizar el riesgo de error. En relación con el registro de equipos es una buena práctica trabajar siempre con copias forenses.

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  • Good Practice for the use of a common investigative measure in a typical (real) cybercrime case
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/aus/good_practice_for_the_use_of_a_common_investigative_measure_in_a_typical_real_cybercrime_case.html
  • Australia
  • Once a suspect has been identified for a suitable offence, a telecommunications data authorisation is used to collect further information about the offender and the offending. This further information can help substantiate an application for a telecommunications interception warrant to collect the content of the target’s internet traffic. The interception warrant may be supplemented with a surveillance device warrant to confirm the identity of the person actually sitting at the computer. A search warrant may also be sworn and executed to complement the covertly accessed evidence. The search warrant may include forced entry to prevent destruction of evidence.

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  • Good Practice for the use of a common investigative measure in a typical (real) cybercrime case
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/bwa/good_practice_for_the_use_of_a_common_investigative_measure_in_a_typical_real_cybercrime_case.html
  • Botswana
  • It is important to quickly react when a cybercrime case is reported as evidence can be easily destroyed.

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  • Good Practice for the use of a common investigative measure in a cybercrime case
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/can/good_practice_for_the_use_of_a_common_investigative_measure_in_a_cybercrime_case.html
  • Canada
  • For the most part, Canadian law enforcement deploys industry standard computer forensic tools (ie: EnCase, FTK). Digital evidence is processed based on recognized investigative principles taught at the Canadian Police College, Technological Crime Learning Institute in Ottawa. It is also imperative to have a central point (HQ office) for access to the 24/7 Interpol contact list as well as the G8 -24/7 Emergency points of contact.

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  • Good Practice for the use of a common investigative measure in a typical (real) cybercrime case
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/chl/good_practice_for_the_use_of_a_common_investigative_measure_in_a_typical_real_cybercrime_case_.html
  • Chile
  • La petición de datos de conexión (IP, fecha y hora) ha resultado muy relevante a la hora de dar curso a una investigación, dado que siempre está involucrada una cuenta de correo, un perfil de red social, un acceso a sitios web y otros datos informáticos. Se trata de investigaciones que la Brigada Investigadora del Cibercrimen Metropolitana realiza periódicamente.

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  • Good Practice for the use of a common investigative measure in a typical (real) cybercrime case
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/col/good_practice_for_the_use_of_a_common_investigative_measure_in_a_typical_real_cybercrime_case.html
  • Colombia
  • Es muy importante frente a delitos cibernéticos, solicitar de manera preventiva la preservación de la información a las ISP u organismos internacionales. Esto garantiza que una vez en las manos del investigador la orden del juez, la información no se haya perdido, borrado o modificado.

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  • Good Practice for the use of a common investigative measure in a typical (real) cybercrime case
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/cze/good_practice_for_the_use_of_a_common_investigative_measure_in_a_typical_real_cybercrime_case.html
  • Czechia
  • In order to clarify and verify all the facts necessary to establish that an offence was committed, it is necessary to obtain information of the subscribers on the internet, which is connected to the internet through the ISP.

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  • Good Practice for the use of a common investigative measure in a typical (real) cybercrime case
  • 2200,en,/lessons-learned/dnk/good_practice_for_the_use_of_a_common_investigative_measure_in_a_typical_real_cybercrime_case.html
  • Denmark
  • It is important to receive subscriber information from an ISP in cybercrime cases so that we can search and seize data as evidence, for instance in child exploitation cases.

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