
  • 详情

    • • 保护区/栖息地
      • 受《濒危物种贸易公约》保护的物种
      • 无证件/无执照的行为
 Book II - Title III
 Article 217-220
 Chapter III - Section II


Article 217

Crimes against fauna or flora

1. Any person who causes serious harm to the environment through slashing, burning, uprooting, collecting or illegally trafficking any species of flora or seeds thereof, classified as endangered or at risk of extinction, destroying or seriously altering their natural habitat, is punishable with up to 3 years imprisonment or a fine.

2. The same penalty shall apply to any person who introduces or facilitates the entry of exotic species of flora or fauna so as to harm the biological equilibrium, violating laws or general legal provisions intended to protect fauna or flora species.

Article 218

Crimes against endangered species or species at risk of extinction

1. Any person who hunts or fishes endangered species or species at risk of extinction or performs any activity that hinders their development or renders reproduction difficult, violating laws or general legal provisions to protect wild fauna species, or trades or trafficks such species, in whole or in part, is punishable with up to 3 years imprisonment or a fine.

2. If the acts referred to in the preceding subarticle are committed:

a) In land or maritime areas declared to be natural protected areas;

b) Against species or subspecies classified as being endangered of extinction, the perpetrator is punishable with up to 5 years imprisonment or fine.

Article 219

Illegal fishing

1. Any person who fishes in national maritime waters without a duly authorized fishing permit obtained from the competent administrative organ is punishable with up to 3 years imprisonment or a fine.

2. If the perpetrator is a corporation, under the terms of the preceding subarticle, the legal representatives or those who act in representation of said corporation, including shareholders or members who authorize them to act, if unlawfully established, shall be held criminally liable.

3. Fishing practiced for household subsistence is not punishable under the terms of subarticle one.

Article 220

Unlawful means of fishing

Any person who uses firearms, explosives, toxic substances or other similar instruments or devices of a destructive nature to maritime fauna for fishing in national river or ocean waters is punishable with up to 5 years imprisonment or a fine.