
  • 罪行

    • • 与恐怖主义爆炸有关的罪行
  • 关键词

    • • 炸弹 / 简易爆炸装置(IED)/ 爆炸物
 Book 3 - Title 2 - Chapter 1
 Article 413 & 419
 Section 1


Article 413: Aggravating Circumstances due to Measures Endangering Persons

Intentional acts in order to destroy, deteriorate or damage properties belonging to other
persons by means of an explosive, setting fire or by any other measures endangering
the persons is punishable by an imprisonment from 2 (two) years to 5 (five) years and a
fine from 4,000,000 (four million) Riels to 10,000,000 (ten million) Riels.

Article 419: Other Damages due to Imprudence or Non-observance

Destruction, deterioration or damage of properties belonging to another person by
means of an explosive or setting fire is punishable by an imprisonment from 1 (one)
month to 1 (one) year and a fine from 100,000 (one hundred thousand) Riels to
2,000,000 (two million) Riels, when it is resulted:

1. by an imprudence, an inattention or a negligence;

2. by a violation of obligation, a security or the legally imposed prudence.