
  • 犯罪

    • • 野生生物犯罪
      • 森林犯罪
  • 禁止行為

    • • 捕猎(偷猎)/射杀
      • 伐木
      • 转移/运输
      • 国际贸易(进口,出口,转口)
  • 主题

    • • 《濒危物种贸易公约》/国际受保护物种
      • 国内受保护物种
  • 详情

    • • 受《濒危物种贸易公约》保护的物种
      • 保护区/栖息地
  • 关键词

    • • 国际贸易(进口,出口,转口)
      • 《濒危物种贸易公约》/国际受保护物种
      • 文档





Article 46
(Critically endangered flora and fauna species)
1. The Council of Ministers shall approve by decree the list of protected species and the list of species the use of which is permitted, including hunting.
2. The State promotes research and investigation on the state of the country's biological diversity in order to provide information for decision-making on the management of species.

Article 47
(Import and export of endangered fauna and flora species)
1. The State shall take appropriate measures to ensure the application of the provisions of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
2. International trade in specimens of endangered species of wild flora and fauna is subject to the broad scientific knowledge of their existence, their ecological value and the determinants of their conservation.
3. The competent authorities determine that the mechanisms for import and export of live or dead species is to be covered by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. 



  • 责任

    • 法人的责任

      • • 民事的