
     Section 1 - Chapter 2
     Article 6

    UNTOC 文献

    • 有组织犯罪公约

    • 第25: 条 帮助和保护被害人
    • 第24: 条 保护证人
    • 贩运人口议定书

    • 偷运移民议定书

    • 枪支议定书



      • 第三十二条 . 保护证人、鉴定人和被害人 - 第三十二条第四款


      Article 6:
      (1) During the legal prosecution of the case, the victim andplaintiff have the following rights:

      1– Fair behavior, respect of their human dignity and personal honor.

      2– Ensured safety.

      3– Participating during legal prosecution of a criminal case and directing special questions to the accused person in murder and battery crimes.

      4– Request for reimbursement in accordance with the provisions of the law.

      5– Access to information concerning the proceedings and prosecution results of the case in different stages of the legal prosecution.

      6– Objections to judicial officers, experts, prosecutors and judges performances in accordance with the provisions of the law.

      7– Access to necessary legal, physical, medical, psychological, and social services.
      (2) The police, prosecutor’s office and court each shall, within their area of jurisdiction, take and enforce required measures to ensure that the victim has access to his or her rights set forth in paragraph (1) of this article.



      • 被害人

        • 保护措施

          • • 正当程序权
      • 证人

        • 保护措施

          • • 正当程序权
            • 举报人保护