
  • 定罪和执法

    • • 与执法机关的合作
      • 犯罪记录
 General Part - Chapter Three
 Section 46


  • 有组织犯罪公约

  • 第22: 条 建立犯罪记录
  • 第26: 条 加强与执法当局合作的措施
  • 第31: 条 预防
  • 贩运人口议定书

  • 偷运移民议定书

  • 枪支议定书



    • 第三十条 . 起诉、审判和制裁 - 第三十条第十款
    • 第三十七条 . 与执法机关的合作 - 第三十七条第一款
    • 第三十七条 . 与执法机关的合作 - 第三十七条第二款


    Section 46: Principles of sentencing

    (1)   The guilt of the offender is the basis for sentencing. The effects which the sentence can be expected to have on the offender’s future life in society shall be taken into account.

    (2)   When sentencing the court shall weigh the circumstances in favour of and against the offender. Consideration shall in particular be given to the motives and aims of the offender; the attitude reflected in the offence and the degree of force of will involved in its commission; the degree of the violation of the offender’s duties; the modus operandi and the consequences caused by the offence to the extent that the offender is to blame for them; the offender’s prior history, his personal and financial circumstances; his conduct after the offence, particularly his efforts to make restitution for the harm caused as well as the offender’s efforts at reconciliation with the victim.

    (3)   Circumstances which are already statutory elements of the offence must not be considered.



    Please note that this legislation was uploaded on 18 February 2019 and might, hence, not include amendments to the legislation after this date.