
  • 所涉犯罪

    • • 许诺给予/ 提议给予/ 实际给予不正当好处
      • 人身暴力/威胁/恐吓
  • 为了

    • • 在程序中干扰提供证言或出示证据
      • 诱使提供虚假证词
 Book 4 - Title 2
 Article 546-549
 Chapter 2 - Section 1


  • 有组织犯罪公约

  • 第23: 条 妨害司法的刑事定罪
  • 贩运人口议定书

  • 偷运移民议定书

  • 枪支议定书



    Article 546: Intimidation Against a Witness

    Any act of intimidation committed by a perpetrator alone or with consent of a third party to instigate a witness not to give any statement or to provide false oral or written testimony is punishable by an imprisonment from 2 (two) years to 5 (five) years and a fine from 4,000,000 (four million) Riels to 10,000,000 (ten million) Riels.

    It is punishable by an imprisonment from 5 (five) years to 10 (ten) years if the offence produces an effect.

    Article 547: Bribery Taken by a Witness to Produce False Testimonies

    It is punishable by an imprisonment from 5 (five) years to 10 (ten) years for the act of any witness who directly or indirectly solicits or accept donation, present, promise or any interest in order:

    1. not to testify as a witness;

    2. to provide false testimony.

    Article 548: Bribery Given to a Witness

    It is punishable by an imprisonment from 5 (five) years to 10 (ten) years any person who gives directly or indirectly donation, present, promise or any interest to a witness in order:

    1. not to testify as a witness;

    2. to provide false testimony.

    Article 549: Publication Aiming at Putting Pressure on a Witness

    Any publication, prior to the final decision of the court, of any commentaries which intends to put pressure on a witness in order to influence over the testimony of the witness is punishable by an imprisonment from 6 (six) days to 1 (one) month and a fine from 10,000 (ten thousand) Riels to 100,000 (one hundred thousand) Riels.