
 Chapter I
 Section 2


  • 有组织犯罪公约

  • 第15: 条 管辖权
  • 贩运人口议定书

  • 偷运移民议定书

  • 枪支议定书



    Liability for offences under the Code .


    (1) Every person shall be liable to punishment under this Code, and not otherwise,for every act or omission committed

    (a) wholly or partly within Sri Lanka ;

    (b) within the territorial waters or air space of Sri Lanka ;

    (c) on board any ship or aircraft registered in Sri Lanka, wherever it may be at the time of the commission of such act or such ommission ;

    (d) within the premises of a Sri Lankan mission or the residence of the Head of such mission, diplomatic agent or any other member of such mission, situated outside Sri Lanka ; or

    (e) within any premises occupied on behalf of, or under the control of, the Government of Sri Lanka, or any statutory body established in Sri Lanka and situated outside Sri Lanka,

    (2) A national of Sri Lanka shall be liable to punishment under this Code and not otherwise, for every act or omission contrary to the provisions thereof, committed outside Sri Lanka of which he shall be guilty, whether or not such national enjoys diplomatic immunity in respect of such act or omission, which is granted by a foreign State by reason of his diplomatic status in such State.

    (3)Nothing in this section shall be construed, as affecting the liability of any Sri Lankan national under the laws of the country in which such act was one or omitted to be done in respect of such act or omission



    • 管辖权

      • • 属地原则(在一国领域上实施的犯罪,即使罪犯是外国公民)
        • 在悬挂其国旗的船舶/船只上
        • 在根据其法律注册的航空器内
        • 主动国籍原则(本国国民在其领域外实施的犯罪)