
  • 侵犯计算机、数据和系统的保密性、完整性和可获得性的行为

    • • 非法干扰数据/ 系统
 Part 10
 Section 250
 Crimes involving computers


250 Damaging or interfering with computer system
(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who intentionally or recklessly destroys, damages, or alters any computer system if he or she knows or ought to know that danger to life is likely to result.
(2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who intentionally or recklessly, and without authorisation, knowing that he or she is not authorised, or  being reckless as to whether or not he or she is authorised,—
(a) damages, deletes, modifies, or otherwise interferes with or impairs any data or software in any computer system; or
(b) causes any data or software in any computer system to be damaged, deleted, modified, or otherwise interfered with or impaired; or
(c) causes any computer system to—
(i) fail; or
(ii) deny service to any authorised users.