
  • 犯罪

    • • 野生生物犯罪
  • 详情

    • • 受《濒危物种贸易公约》保护的物种
      • 保护区/栖息地
      • 无证件/无执照的行为
  • 禁止行為

    • • 捕猎(偷猎)/射杀
      • 国内贸易/供应
      • 国际贸易(进口,出口,转口)
      • 制造/加工
      • 捕捞
  • 主题

    • • 《濒危物种贸易公约》/国际受保护物种
      • 国内受保护物种
      • 产品
  • 关键词

    • • 捕猎(偷猎)/射杀
      • 捕捞
      • 国内贸易/供应
      • 国际贸易(进口,出口,转口)
      • 制造/加工
      • 产品
      • 《濒危物种贸易公约》/国际受保护物种
      • 国内受保护物种
      • 其他环境犯罪
      • 文档
  • 其他细节

    • • 无执照的行为
 Part Two - Chapter VI
 Article 341
 Section 6


  • 有组织犯罪公约

  • 第11: 条. 起诉、判决和制裁
  • 第12: 条 没收和扣押
  • 贩运人口议定书

  • 偷运移民议定书

  • 枪支议定书



    Article 341

    Those who illegally hunt and kill rare and endangered wild animals which are under the state key production plan or illegally purchase, transport or sell those rare and endangered wild animals and their manufactured products are to be sentenced to not more than five years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention, and may in addition be sentenced to a fine. In serious cases, those law offenders are to be sentenced to not less than five years and not more than 10 years of fixed-term imprisonment, and may in addition be sentenced to a fine. In especially serious cases, those law offenders are to be sentenced to more than 10 years of fixed-term imprisonment, and in addition be sentenced to a fine and confiscation of their properties.

    Those who violate hunting law and regulations and use tools and methods which are forbidden to be used in no- hunting zones or periods and thus damage the source of wild animals and if the situation is serious are to be sentenced to not more than five years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention or control, and in addition be sentenced to a fine.







    • 起诉、审判和制裁

      • 审判和判刑问题

        • • 加重处罚情节
          • 拘禁制裁
          • 非拘禁制裁
    • 侦查程序

      • 关于….的没收和扣押

        • • 自本《公约》所涵盖的犯罪的犯罪所得
          • 转换或改造成其他财产的犯罪所得