
  • 犯罪

    • • 贩运人口(成人)
      • 拐卖儿童(18岁以下)
  • 所涉行为

    • • 购买/采购/销售
      • 组织和指挥他人
      • 征聘/雇用
      • 运输
      • 转移
      • 窝藏
      • 收到
  • 所用手段

    • • 威胁使用武力或其他形式的胁迫
      • 欺诈
      • 欺骗
      • 滥用权力或趁机敲诈脆弱处境者
  • 剥削目的

    • • 摘除器官
      • 奴役或类似奴役的做法
      • 奴役
      • 强迫劳动或服务
      • 利用他人卖淫进行剥削或其他形式的性剥削
 Chapter XVI
 Section 360C


  • 有组织犯罪公约

  • 贩运人口议定书

  • 任何物品
  • 偷运移民议定书

  • 枪支议定书





    (1) Whoever-

    (a) buys, sells or barters or instigates another person to buy, sell or barter any person or does anything to promote, facilitate or induce the buying, selling or bartering of any person for money or other consideration;

    (b) recruits, transports, transfers, harbours or receives any person or does any other act by the use of threat, force, fraud, deception or inducement or by exploiting the vulnerability of another for the purpose of securing forced or compulsory labour or services, slavery, servitude, the removal of organs, prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation or any other act which constitutes an offence under any law ;

    (c) recruits, transports, transfers, harbours or receives a child or does any other act whether with or without the consent of such child for the purpose of securing forced or compulsory labour or services, slavery, servitude or the removal of organs, prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation, or any other act which constitutes an offence under any law,

    (2) Any person who is guilty of the offence of trafficking shall on conviction be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding twenty years and may also be punished with fine and where such offence is committed in respect of a child, be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term not less than three years and not exceeding twenty years and may also be punished with fine.

    (3) In this section,-

    "child" means a person under eighteen years of age ; "forced or compulsory labour" has the same meaning as in section 358A;

    "slavery" has the same meaning as in section 358A; and

    "exploiting the vulnerability of another" means impelling a person to submit to any act, taking advantage of such person's economic, cultural or other circumstances.".