This module is a resource for lecturers


One of the primary consequences of terrorism - indeed, normally a principal terrorist objective - is that there are victims. This can take several different forms, such as the loss of life, personal injury, damage to property, being taken hostage, sexual violence and so forth. Yet sometimes the needs or perspectives of victims are overlooked or afforded insufficient attention by the international community. This Module, therefore, examines such issues, drawing upon both legal and interdisciplinary perspectives in examining applicable frameworks, exploring the meaning of key concepts such as 'victim' and 'justice', and seeking to better understand the needs of victims of terrorism as well as common justice or support challenges faced by them.

Learning outcomes

  • Consider the meaning and importance of key concepts, especially of "victim", "trauma", and "justice" in the specific context of victims.
  • Explain the international, regional and national legal frameworks governing the rights of victims of terrorism.
  • Identify some of the principal challenges for victims seeking justice, including reparation and compensation.
  • Understand the interdisciplinary perspectives, namely of traumatology and victimology, that provide a basis for examining these issues from the perspective of victims.
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