This module is a resource for lecturers
Advanced reading
The following readings are recommended for those interested in exploring the topics covered in this Module in more detail:
- Almiron, Nuria. (2007). ICTs and Financial Crime: An Innocent Fraud? International Communication Gazette, Vol. 69(1), 51-67.
- Atta-Asamoah, Andrews. (2009). Understanding the West African Cyber Crime Process. African Security Review, Vol. 18(4), 105-114.
- Buchanan, Tom and Monica T. Whitty. (n.d.). The online dating romance scam: causes and consequences of victimhood. Psychology, Crime & Law, Vol. 20(3), 261-283.
- Button, Mark, Carol McNaughton Nicholls, Jane Kerr, and Rachael Owen. (2014). Online frauds: Learning from victims why they fall for these scams. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, Vol. 47(3), 391-408.
- European Parliament, Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs. (2016). Cyberbullying Among Young People. Directorate General For Internal Policies, Policy Department C (PE 571.367).
- Freiermuth, Mark R. (2011). Text, Lies and Electronic Bait: An Analysis of Email Fraud and the Decisions of the Unsuspecting. Discourse & Communication, Vol. 5(2), 123-145.
- Glickman, Harvey. (2005). The Nigerian "419" Advance Fee Scams: Prank or Peril? Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines, Vol. 39(3), 460-489.
- Lindsay, Jon R., Tai Ming Cheung, and Derek S. Reveron. (2015). China and Cybersecurity: Espionage, Strategy, and Politics in the Digital Domain. Oxford University Press.
- Maras, Marie-Helen. (2016). Cybercriminology. Oxford University Press.
- Schjølberg, Stein (Judge) and Amanda M. Hubbard. (2005). Harmonizing National Legal Approaches on Cybercrime. WSIS Thematic Meeting on Cybersecurity, ITU.
- Reich, Pauline S. (2012). To Define or Not to Define: Law and Policy Conundrums for the Cybercrime, National Security, International Law and Military Law Communities. In Pauline S. Reich and Eduardo Gelbstein (eds.). Law, Policy, and Technology: Cyberterrorism, Information Warfare, and Internet Immobilization. IGI Global.
- Stoll, Clifford. (1989). The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage. Pocket Books.
- UNODC. (2015). Study on the Effects of New Information Technologies on the Abuse and Exploitation of Children.
- Wall, David. (2007). Cybercrime: The Transformation of Crime in the Information Age. Polity.