Database of Legislation

  • Acts against the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of Computer, Data and Systems

    • • Breach of privacy/data protection measures
 Article 158

Original Text

Article 158. Disclosure of Secret of Private Conversation

1. Illegal recording of or eavesdropping on private conversation by using technical means, -

shall be punishable by fine or by restriction of freedom for up to tow years in length or by imprisonment similar in length.

2. Illegal use or spread of the record of the private conversation received via technical means or the information of private

conversation obtained via technical means, -

shall be punishable by fine or by restriction of freedom for the term not in excess of three months or by prison sentences ranging from

one to three years in length.

3. The action referred to in Paragraph 1 or 2 of this Article:

a) for mercenary purposes;

b) repeatedly;

c) that has resulted in a substantial damage;

d) by using one’s official position, -

shall be punishable by prison sentences ranging from two to five years in length, by deprivation of the right to occupy a position or

pursue a particular activity for up to a three-year term.



Please note that this law is not from an official source.
Please note this is an unofficial translation.