Database of Legislation

  • Acts against the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of Computer, Data and Systems

    • • Illegal access to a computer system
      • Illegal access of computer data
      • Illegal data/ system interference
 Article 284

Original Text

Article 284. Illegal Access to Computer Information

1. Illegal access to the computer information protected by law, i.e. the information reflected in data-carrier, computer, computer system

or their network that has caused a loss, blocking, modifying or copying of information or malfunctioning of the computer, computer

system or their network,-

shall be punishable by fine or by corrective labour for up to two years in length or by imprisonment similar in length.

2. The same action committed:

a) by a prior consent of a group;

b) by using one’s official position;

c) by the one who had access to computer, computer system or their networks,-

shall be punishable by fine or by corrective labour for up to two years in length or by jail time extending up to four months or by

imprisonment for the term not in excess of five years.



Please note that this law is not from an official source.
Please note this is an unofficial translation.