Database of Legislation

Other Crimes

    UNTOC Articles

    • Organized Crime Convention

    • Article 11: Prosecution, adjudication and sanctions
    • Trafficking in Persons Protocol

    • Smuggling of Migrants Protocol

    • Firearms Protocol


      Original Text

      Article 25:

      Each person who gains for himself or herself or for others or facilitates to them the gaining of an illegal gain shall be punished by the following:

      1. Temporary imprisonment.

      2. Restitute the value of the illegal gain, and all that is proved to be in his or her financial
      asset as of funds which he or she has gains by means of the illegal gain.

      3. Pay a financial fine that is equal to the value of the illegal gain.

      Article 26:

      The abatement of the criminal action upon decease shall not prevent the restitution of the illegal gain by a judgment to be passed by the competent court based upon the request of the Commission.  The competent court may order the inclusion of each person who has benefited a significant benefit other than those mentioned under Article (13) above so that the judgment regarding the restitution is to be enforced upon him or her and be as much effective as he or she has benefited regarding his funds.

      Article 27:

      1. In the event the person perpetrating the crime of the illegal gains or the partner
      therein initiates to notify the public authorities of the crime before it is being revealed and
      of the fund collected, he or she shall be exempted from the two punishments of
      imprisonment and fine stated for such crime.

      2. In the event the person perpetrating the crime of the illegal gain or the partner therein
      during the interrogation conducted with him or her provides help as to reveal the crime and its perpetrators, the punishment shall be reduced to imprisonment and shall be exempted from the punishment of the fine.

      Article 28:

      Each person required to submit the declarations of the financial asset who fails to abide by the dates stated shall be punished with a fine that is not less than one hundred Jordanian Dinars and not exceeding one thousand Jordanian Dinars or its equivalent in the local currency regarding each month delay from the date he or she is being subject to the provisions of this Law or the date he or she is thus assigned by the Commission.

      Article 29:

      1. Each person who intentionally mentions incorrect information in the declarations
      provided for under this Law shall be punished with a fine that is not less than one hundred Jordanian Dinars and not exceeding one thousand Jordanian Dinars or its equivalent in the local currency.

      2. Any person who spontaneously initiates to correct the information stated in the declarations prior to the discovery of the error shall be exempted from the punishment.

      Article 30:

      Each person who, with the intention to commit offence, falsely informs of an illegal gain
      shall be punished with, either or both, imprisonment that is not less than six months and a fine that is not less than one hundred Jordanian Dinars and not exceeding one thousand Jordanian Dinars or its equivalent in the local currency.