Database of Legislation

    Participation in an organized criminal group
    • Offences

      • • Participation in criminal activities of organized criminal group
        • Participation in other activities of organized criminal group

    Criminal Justice Act 2006

    Highlighted articles

    Part 7: Organised Crime   Section 70-77  


    UNTOC Articles

    • Organized Crime Convention

    • Article 5: Criminalization of participation in an organized criminal group
    • Article 10: Liability of legal persons
    • Article 11: Prosecution, adjudication and sanctions
    • Article 15: Jurisdiction
    • Trafficking in Persons Protocol

    • Smuggling of Migrants Protocol

    • Firearms Protocol


      UNCAC article

      • Article 27. Participation and attempt - Paragraph 1 of article 27

      Cross-Cutting Issues

      • Jurisdiction

        • • Active principle of nationality (offence committed outside its territory by its nationals)
      • Liability

        • ... as involves

          • • principal offender(s)
            • participant, facilitator, accessory
            • financier
        • Liability of Legal Persons

          • • Criminal