Database of Legislation

Trafficking in persons
  • Offences

    • • Trafficking in persons (adults)
      • Trafficking in children (under 18 years)
  • Acts Involved

    • • Transportation
      • Recruitment/Hiring
      • Transfer
      • Harbouring
      • Receipt
      • Buying/Purchasing/Selling
      • Participating as an accomplice
      • Organizing and directing other persons
  • Means Used

    • • Threat of the use of force or of other forms of coercion
      • Abduction
      • Fraud
      • Deception
      • Abuse of power or a position of vulnerability
      • Giving or receiving payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person
  • Exploitative Purposes

    • • Exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation
      • Forced labour or services
      • Slavery or practices similar to slavery
      • Servitude
      • Removal of organs

The Trafficking in Persons (Prohibition), Enforcement and Administration Act

Entry into Force Date:


Adoption Date:

Highlighted articles

Part II: Establishment of the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons   Article 2-12  

Part III: Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons   Article 13  

Part IV: Offences and Penalties   Article 14-37  

Part IX: Treatment of Trafficked Persons   Article 61-66  

Part VII: Search, Arrest and Seizure   Article 45-47  

Part X: Victims of Trafficking Trust Fund   Article 67-68  

Part XI: Mutual Legal Assistance, Exchange of Information and Extradition   Article 69-74  

Part XII: Miscellaneous   Article 81  


UNTOC Articles

  • Organized Crime Convention

  • Article 16: Extradition
  • Article 18: Mutual legal assistance
  • Article 24: Protection of witnesses
  • Article 28: Collection, exchange and analysis of information on the nature of organized crime
  • Trafficking in Persons Protocol

  • Any Article
  • Smuggling of Migrants Protocol

  • Firearms Protocol


    Cross-Cutting Issues

    • Investigation Procedure

      • Law Enforcement Measures and Cooperation

        • • Exchange of information