Database of Legislation

  • Offences

    • • Counterfeiting of currency
  • Acts against the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of Computer, Data and Systems

    • • Illegal data/ system interference
      • Production/ distribution/ possession of computer misuse tools
      • Illegal access to a computer system
      • Illegal access of computer data
Participation in an organized criminal group
  • Offences

    • • Agreement to commit a serious crime (conspiracy)
      • Organizing, directing, aiding, abetting, facilitating or counselling the commission of a crime involving an organized criminal group
Piracy and Maritime crime
Trafficking in persons
  • Offences

    • • Trafficking in persons (adults)
      • Trafficking in children (under 18 years)
  • Acts Involved

    • • Buying/Purchasing/Selling
      • Transfer
      • Recruitment/Hiring
      • Transportation
      • Receipt
      • Harbouring
  • Exploitative Purposes

    • • Exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation
      • Slavery or practices similar to slavery
      • Servitude
      • Removal of organs
      • Forced labour or services
  • Offences

    • • Offences related to Terrorist Bombings
  • Keywords

    • • Bomb / Improvised Explosive Device (IED) / Explosives

Crimes Act 1961

Entry into Force Date:


Adoption Date:

Highlighted articles

Part 10: Crimes against rights of property   Section 250   Crimes involving computers  

Part 10: Crimes against rights of property   Section 251   Crimes involving computers  

Part 10: Crimes against rights of property   Section 266   Coinage  

Part 10: Crimes against rights of property   Sections 249, 252   Crimes involving computers  

Part 10: Crimes against rights of property - Arson, damage, and waste   Section 267-270 & 272  

Part 11: Threatening, conspiring, and attempting to commit offences   Section 310  

Part 1: Jurisdiction   Section 5-8  

Part 4: Parties to the commission of offences   Section 66  

Part 5: Crimes against public order   Section 92-97   Piracy  

Part 5: Crimes against public order   Section 98-98AA   Slave dealing  


UNTOC Articles

  • Organized Crime Convention

  • Article 5: Criminalization of participation in an organized criminal group
  • Article 10: Liability of legal persons
  • Article 15: Jurisdiction
  • Trafficking in Persons Protocol

  • Any Article
  • Smuggling of Migrants Protocol

  • Firearms Protocol


    Cross-Cutting Issues

    • Jurisdiction

      • • Principle of territoriality (offences committed upon one state’s territory, even if the offender is a foreign citizen)
        • Active principle of nationality (offence committed outside its territory by its nationals)
        • On board a ship/vessel flying its flag
        • Effects doctrine (offence committed outside its territory over a conduct that produces substantial effects within the territory)
        • Passive principle of nationality (offence committed outside its territory against its nationals)
        • On board an aircraft registered under its laws
    • Liability

      • Liability of Legal Persons

        • • Criminal