Database of Legislation

Participation in an organized criminal group
  • Offences

    • • Organizing, directing, aiding, abetting, facilitating or counselling the commission of a crime involving an organized criminal group
      • Participation in criminal activities of organized criminal group
      • Agreement to commit a serious crime (conspiracy)

Law No. 39/2003 On Preventing and Combating Organized Crime

Entry into Force Date:


Adoption Date:

Highlighted articles

Chapter I: General Provisions   Article 1-2  

Chapter II-III: The prevention of organized crime; Offences   Article 3-10  

Chapter IV: Procedural provisions   Article 11-23  

Chapter V: International cooperation   Article 24-26  


UNTOC Articles

  • Organized Crime Convention

  • Article 2: Use of terms
  • Article 5: Criminalization of participation in an organized criminal group
  • Article 11: Prosecution, adjudication and sanctions
  • Article 12: Confiscation and seizure
  • Article 13: International cooperation for purposes of confiscation
  • Article 16: Extradition
  • Article 18: Mutual legal assistance
  • Article 19: Joint investigations
  • Article 20: Special investigative techniques
  • Article 24: Protection of witnesses
  • Article 26: Measures to enhance cooperation with law enforcement authorities
  • Article 27: Law enforcement cooperation
  • Trafficking in Persons Protocol

  • Smuggling of Migrants Protocol

  • Firearms Protocol


    Cross-Cutting Issues

    • Investigation Procedure

      • Confiscation and Seizure of

        • • Income or other benefits derived from the proceeds
          • Proceeds of crime derived from offences covered by the Convention
          • Proceeds of crime intermingled with legitimately obtained property
      • Measures

        • • Identification, tracing, freezing and/or seizure of the proceeds and instrumentalities of crime
          • Access by competent authorities to bank, financial or commercial records
      • Special investigative techniques

        • • Controlled delivery
      • Law Enforcement Measures and Cooperation

        • • Exchange of information
          • Joint investigations