Database of Legislation

Crimes that affect the environment
  • Offences

    • • Wildlife crime
      • Fisheries crime
      • Forest crime
  • Prohibited Act

    • • International trade (import, export, re-export)
      • Acquisition/Possession/Ownership
      • Domestic trade/supply
      • Hunting (poaching)/killing
      • Logging
      • Harvesting
      • Catching
      • Transfer/Transportation
  • Subject

    • • Product
      • Trophy
      • Domestic protected species
  • Details

    • • Document forgery
      • Undocumented/unlicensed conduct
      • Protected area/habitat
  • Keywords

    • • Hunting (poaching)/killing
      • Logging
      • Harvesting
      • Catching
      • Acquisition/Possession/Ownership
      • Transfer/Transportation
      • Domestic trade/supply
      • International trade (import, export, re-export)
      • Trophy
      • Product

Lacey Act

Entry into Force Date:


Adoption Date:


Highlighted articles

Section 3371  

Section 3372, 3373  

Section 3374  

Section 3375  

Section 3376-3378  


UNTOC Articles

  • Organized Crime Convention

  • Any Article
  • Article 11: Prosecution, adjudication and sanctions
  • Article 12: Confiscation and seizure
  • Trafficking in Persons Protocol

  • Smuggling of Migrants Protocol

  • Firearms Protocol


    Cross-Cutting Issues

    • Investigation Procedure

      • Confiscation and Seizure of

        • • Proceeds of crime derived from offences covered by the Convention
