Database of Legislation

Crimes that affect the environment
     Part II
     Section 5 - 6
     Section 5 - 6

    Original Text


    5. Establishment of the Authority

    (1) There is hereby established an autonomous Authority which shall be known as the Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority also known by its acronym as “TAWA”.

    (2) The Authority shall be a body corporate, with a uniformed and disciplined paramilitary force, having perpetual succession and a common seal and shall in its corporate name be capable of:-
    (a) suing and being sued,
    (b) acquiring, holding, alienating, managing and disposing of any property, whether movable or immovable, and whether by way of investment or otherwise,
    (c) entering into any contract and other transactions which may be necessary or expedient for the performance of its functions under this Act or any other written law.
    (d) exercising any of the powers and performing the functions conferred upon it by or under this Act,

    (3) A document in writing recording acts or decisions of the Authority may be executed or authenticated on behalf of the Authority by the signatures of the Chairman, Secretary to the Board or legal counsel of the authority.

    (4) The common seal of the Authority shall be authenticated by the signatures of the Director-General or the legal counsel of the Authority.

    (5) The signatures of the Director General or Legal Counsel of the Authority shall authenticate the common Seal of the Authority.

    (6) Judicial notice shall be taken of the common seal of the Authority and any document executed or authenticated in accordance with this section.

    6. Functions of the Authority

    (1) The function of the authority shall be:-

    (a) To protect and conserve Wildlife outside the jurisdiction of Tanzania National Parks and Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority
    (b) To administer areas that are designated as Game Reserves, Game controlled areas, Wetlands Reserves, and Ramsar Sites.
    (c) To administer protection and utilization of wildlife in corridors, dispersal areas, open areas, Wildlife Management Areas, village land, public and private land.
    (d) To issue permits for utilization of wildlife in sanctuaries, wildlife farms, ranches, Wildlife Management Areas, Zoos and any other related wildlife utilization.
    (e) To address all land use conflicts affecting wildlife in collaboration with relevant authorities
    (f) To manage human wildlife conflict in collaboration with other wildlife management institutions.
    (g) To ensure the systematic management of financial, human and natural resources for the conservation of wildlife so that the abundance and diversity of species is maintained at optimum level
    (h) To link with other institutions on matters related to wildlife conservation.
    (i) To improve wildlife resource base investment in collaboration with other institutions, private sector and or, local communities.
    (j) To undertake law enforcement and curb illegal off take of wildlife resources.
    (k) To sensitize, educate and communicate the values of wildlife resources to stakeholders.
    (l) To ensure participatory wildlife management and equitable distribution of cost and benefits among stakeholders.
    (m) To participate in implementation of government commitment to National, Regional and international obligations in relation to development of wildlife sector.

    (2) Notwithstanding the provision of subsection (1) the Authority may delegate any of its functions under this act to any member of the Authority, to any committee of the Authority or to the Director-General or to the Board.