Strategies Database


Acts against the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of Computer, Data and Systems

• Illegal access to a computer system
• Illegal access of computer data
• Interception of computer data
• Acquisition of computer data
• Illegal data/ system interference
• Breach of privacy/data protection measures


• Cybersecurity infrastructures
• Cooperation with the private sector
• Breach of privacy/data protection measures
• Interception/acquisition of computer data
• Illegal access to a computer system/data
• Digital forensics

Information and Cyber Security Strategy of Sri Lanka 2018–2023

  Sri Lanka

Introductory text

Around the globe, digital technologies have evolved into a powerful economic tool that has improved quality of life of citizens and transformed the way that governments, businesses, and citizens connect, engage, and access information and services. Many societies are now dependent on digital technologies which has led these technologies to be considered as a fundamental social infrastructure.

Along with their numerous benefits digital technologies also brings with them numerous cyber threats. The global number of cyber security incidents recorded in 2015 is 59.06 million. A study estimates that the total annual cost of all data breaches by 2019 will be $2.1 trillion which is almost four times the estimated cost of breaches in 2015. In Sri Lanka, The Sri Lanka Computer Emergency Readiness Team | Coordination Centre (Sri Lanka CERT|CC) received 3907 cyber security related incidents in 2017, which is a significant increase from 2010.

In this context, we, the government of Sri Lanka, seeks to show our commitment to keep the nation safe, secure and prosperous, by introducing Sri Lanka’s first Information and Cyber Security Strategy which will be implemented over period of five years from 2018 to 2023. Our strategy aims to create a resilient and trusted cyber security ecosystem that will enable Sri Lankan citizens to realize the benefits of digital technology, and facilitate growth, prosperity and a better future for all Sri Lankans.

Strategy Identifier


Adoption date


Organized Crime Convention Articles

  • Article 31: Prevention
  • Article 29: Training and technical assistance

Cross-Cutting Issues

International Cooperation

International law enforcement and police to police cooperation

• National competent authorities


• Policies
• Legislative measures
• Institutions
• Awareness raising
• Role of civil society and private sector
• Risk factors
• Crime prevention strategies and policies

Other Topics

• National coordination committee or other body
