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Quiz 5

Instructions: For multiple-choice questions, circle the appropriate letter (e.g., "a", "b", "c", etc.). For true-false questions, circle "True" or "False."

  1. Why is the measurement of organized crime difficult?

a) Criminal groups try to conceal their activities

b) Victims often choose not to report their victimization

c) State agencies can only record known criminal incidents

d) All of the above

e) None of the above

  1. While organized crime is difficult to measure, experts recommend to rely on the official police statistics as the only valid quantitative source of data about organized crime.



  1. As the term is used in the Module, what does the "dark figure of crime" refer to?

a) Offences where no suspect is identified

b) Offences not reported to or recorded by the police

c) Sexual offences

d) Offences committed by persons acting alone, without a victim

  1. Which of the following factors is not accounted for in the assessment of the illicit trade in narcotics in UNODC World Drug Report?

a) Cultivation and production estimates

b) Trends in seizures of drugs and drug-making labs

c) Counts of money laundering offences

d) Estimates of drug usage (from surveys and drug treatment information)

  1. Drug trafficking is the situation when a crime does not have a victim because it involves willing participants in an economic exchange.



  1. An increase in the number of successful intervention and prosecution strategies (e.g., arrests and seizures) against organized criminal groups indicates a decrease in criminal activities.



  1. Threat assessment is used to identify and evaluate ___________ threats by making projections based on accumulated information. (fill in the blank)

a) Future

b) Past

c) Alternative

d) Urgent

  1. Serious and organized crime threat assessments are important because they ___________. (fill in the blank)

a) Enable governments to adjust public resources allocation to areas of the greatest need

b) Help to connect isolated incidents of organized crime activity in order to generate better Information about crime-prone areas, offenders and potential victims

c) Make it possible to develop more effective prevention, intervention and control measures

d) All of the above

  1. Risk assessment is based on a careful examination of factors that empower criminal groups.



  1. Signs and/or symptoms that signal dangerous conditions or threats with multiple possible explanations are _______________. (fill in the blank)

a) Triangulation

b) Red flags

c) Facilitators

d) Needed legal tools

[Answer key: 1. d; 2. false; 3. b; 4. c; 5. false; 6. false; 7. a; 8. d; 9. true; 10. b]

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