a) What is the role of the prosecutor in your legal system? What functions do prosecutors perform? If investigative judges exist in your jurisdiction, what is their role?
b) What is the nature of investigative-prosecutorial partnerships in your country? For what purpose are they created? What are the risks of situations when the police or prosecutors fail to cooperate with each other?
c) Under what circumstances does punishment mitigation for a person accused of crime take place? What does this kind of mitigation imply?
d) What are the differences between legal traditions and systems in their approach to mitigating punishment for cooperating offenders? Is plea bargaining used for this purpose in your country and if so, how?
e) Under what conditions is immunity from prosecution granted in your country? What are the possible risks of testimonies in such cases? How can prosecutors and judges ensure that false or incorrect and self-serving testimonies do not lead to wrongful convictions?
f) What are the common features of witness protection programmes? Why are witness protection programmes necessary in trials against organized crime?