قاعدة بيانات التشريعات

الجرائم السيبرانية
  • الجرائم الأخرى

    • • Pornography

تاريخ الاعتماد:



النص الأصلي

Prohibition of pornography
A person who—
(a) produces pornography for the purpose of its distribution through a computer system;
(b) offers or makes available any pornography through a computer system;
(c) distributes or transmits any pornography through a computer system;
(d) procures any pornography through a computer system for oneself or for another person; or
(e) possesses any pornography in a computer system or on a computer data storage medium;
commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding nine hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years, or to both.






القضايا الشاملة

      • • الأدلة الإلكترونية/الأدلة الرقمية