قاعدة بيانات الاستراتيجيات


الأفعال المعنية

• التجنيد للإرهاب
• التحريض على اعمال الإرهاب/ التحريض العلني على ارتكاب جريمة إرهابية
• تشجيع الإرهاب - تمجيد الإرهاب

الكلمات الرئيسية

• التطرف العنيف/ التطرف/ نزعة التطرف
• السلامة/ التدابير المضادة
• حقوق الإنسان

Prevent, preempt and protect – the Swedish counter-terrorism strategy



Terrorism threatens international peace and security, national security and our fundamental rights and freedoms. Every year, numerous terrorist attacks are carried out around the world. Recent years have seen a sharp increase in problems related to foreign terrorist fighters and there is presently no indication that this trend will abate.

The Government has now drawn up a new national counter-terrorism strategy that will form the basis of Sweden’s long-term work in this area, both nationally and internationally. The aim is to create a clear structure for the work needed to combat terrorist crime. The strategy emphasises the importance of cooperation and clear follow-up of the work done.

The goal of all counter-terrorism activities is to keep terrorist attacks from being carried out. This work is divided into three areas – Prevent, Preempt and Protect. Particular focus is given to the area Prevent. Mea-sures in this area are intended to counteract radicalisation and recruit-ment to extremist and terrorist groups, and to influence the intent of indi-viduals to commit or support terrorist crime. In this way, the recruitment base for terrorism can be reduced. The Preempt area deals with coun-teracting and reducing the capabilities and opportunities to commit terro-rist attacks, while Protect deals with creating and maintaining protection for individuals and reducing society’s vulnerability to terrorist attacks. If a terrorist attack is nevertheless carried out, society must also be able to manage the resulting consequences.

One important premise for the Government is that fundamental rights and freedoms and the principles of the rule of law must be ensured in all actions to combat terrorism.

معرّف الإستراتيجية


تاريخ بدء النفاذ



The delivery of the Strategy is subject to a continuous follow up by the Government Offices. The Government has since it adoption fulfilled or started work within all areas. Several laws have been amended to better meet the threat from terrorism.

القضايا الشاملة


• السياسات
• المؤسسات
• عوامل الوقاية
• استراتيجيات وسياسات منع الجريمة
