قاعدة بيانات السوابق القضائية

الاتجار بالأشخاص

جرائم اخري

Foyam Sk. @ Fhoim Sk. @ Fine Sk. and Samina Bibi v. State of West Bengal

موجز لوقائع القضية

This petition was filed before High Court of Calcutta against conviction of 2 accused (husband and wife) in Sessions Trial. The first accused, Foyam Sk., was sentenced to Rigorous Imprisonment for eight (8) years each and to pay a fine of Rs. 2,000/- (in default, to suffer Rigorous Imprisonment for further two (2) months) on two counts under Sections 363A and 366A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. The second accused, Samina Bibi although found guilty, was let off on probation under the Probation of Offenders Act, 1958. In order to countenance the situation arising out of the post-conviction stage the appellants preferred the appeal on several grounds.

The facts of the case are that M, the child victim, was sent by her mother (who had been divorced by her husband) to work as a domestic help in the house of the accused. Under pretension of getting the victim married, the accused took her for a tour to Saudi Arabia, where she was forced to beg for alms and was put through forced prostitution. The victim retrieved herself somehow and surrendered to the Saudi Arabian Police from where she was deported to India and subsequently was placed in a children’s home.

After legally analyzing the entire case on the basis of available facts and evidence, the High Court upheld the conviction and sentence of the first accused, Foyam Sk. Regarding the second accused Samina Bibi, the High Court set-aside the order of probation of the trial court. The court held that in view of the depraved nature of the crime it was wholly unjustified to extend the benefit of the Probation of Offenders Act to such an accused. Thus, the portion of the impugned judgment of the Trial Court enlarging the accused Samina Bibi on probation was forthwith set aside.

Samina Bibi was directed to undergo Rigorous Imprisonment for eight (8) years and to pay a fine of Rs. 2,000/- as awarded by the learned Trial Court originally in respect of the appellant, Foyam Sk. for both the charges under the Indian Penal Code.

The High Court also ordered that the fine imposed on the accused, if realised, would be paid to the victim.

UNODC Regional Office for South Asia

الكلمات الرئيسية

بروتوكول الإتجار بالبشر:
مادة3، بروتوكول الإتجار بالبشر
مادة5، بروتوكول الإتجار بالبشر
مادة6، بروتوكول الإتجار بالبشر
مادة9، بروتوكول الإتجار بالبشر
وسائل النقل
الغرض من الإستغلال:
استغلال دعارة الغير أو سائر أشكال الاستغلال الجنسي
شكل الإتجار:
عبر الحدود الوطنية
القطاع الذى حدث به الإستغلال:
الاستغلال الجنسي التجاري

القضايا الشاملة


من أجل

• الجريمة المكتملة

تعتمد على ...

• القصد الإجرامي

تشمل ...

• الجاني الرئيسي / الجناة الرئيسيون

ارتكاب الأفعال الإجرامية


• وقعت في واحد (أو أكثر) الحدود الدولية (عبر الحدود الوطنية)

البلدان المشاركة


المملكة العربية السعودية


الهيئات المشاركة

• Saudi Arabian Police

التعاون الدولي

البلدان المشاركة


المملكة العربية السعودية

اعتبارات المساواة بين الجنسين


• الاعتبارات الجنسانية
• المرتكبة الأصلية للجريمة

المعلومات الإجرائية

النظام القانوني:
القانون الأنغلوسكسوني
الحكم القضائي الأخير:
محكمة الاستئناف

1st Instance:

Additional Sessions Judge, Kandi/ Murshidabad/ State of West Bengal, September 2001

2nd Instance:

High Court of Calcutta, Calcutta / State of West Bengal, 2003 - 11 - 20


الضحايا / المدَّعون في المحكمة الابتدائية

نوع الجنس:

المدعى عليهم / المتهمون في المحكمة الابتدائية

المدعى عليه:
Foyam Sk. @ Fhoim Sk. @ Fine Sk.
نوع الجنس:
المدعى عليه:
Samina Bibi
نوع الجنس:


المدعى عليه:
Foyam Sk. @ Fhoim Sk. @ Fine Sk.
التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

(1) Whoever kidnaps any minor or, not being the lawful guardian of  a minor, obtains the custody of the minor, in order that such minor  may be  employed or used for the purposes of begging shall be punishable with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine.

(2) Whoever  maims any  minor in  order that  such minor  may  be employed or  used for the purposes of begging shall be punishable with imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine.

(3) Where  any person, not being the lawful guardian of a minor, employs or  uses such  minor for  the purposes of begging, it shall be presumed,  unless  the  contrary  is  proved,  that  he  kidnapped  or otherwise obtained  the custody  of that minor in order that the minor might be employed or used for the purposes of begging.

(4) In this section,

(a) "begging" means

(i)   soliciting or  receiving alms  in a public place, whether   under    the   pretence    of   singing,  dancing, fortunetelling, performing  tricks or  selling  articles  or otherwise;

(ii) entering on any private premises for the purpose of soliciting or receiving alms;

(iii) exposing  or  exhibiting,  with  the  object  of obtaining  or  extorting  alms,  any  sore,  wound,  injury, deformity or  disease, whether  of himself  or of  any other person or of an animal;

(iv) using  a minor  as an  exhibit for  the purpose of soliciting or receiving alms;

(b) "minor" means-

(i) in the case of a male, a person under sixteen years of age; and

(ii) in  the case  of a female, a person under eighteen years of age.

تفاصيل التهم:
Section 363A of Indian Penal Code, 1860 - Kidnapping or Maiming a Minor for Purposes of Begging
التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

Whoever, by any means whatsoever, induces any minor girl under the age of eighteen years to go from any place or to do any act with intent that such girl may be, or knowing that it is likely that she will be forced or seduced to illicit intercourse with another person shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine.

تفاصيل التهم:
Section 366A of Indian Penal Code, 1860 - Procuration of Minor Girl
مدة عقوبة السجن:
8 سنوات
Rigorous Imprisonment for eight (8) years each under Sections 363A and 366A of Indian Penal Code, 1860
الغرامة / المدفوعات إلى الدولة:
أيضا  2000  Rupees  (Up to 10,000 USD)
أحكام الاستئناف:

After legally analyzing the entire case on the basis of available facts and evidence, the High Court upheld the conviction and sentence of the first accused, Foyam Sk.

المدعى عليه:
Samina Bibi
التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

See above, Defendant 1, Charge 1

تفاصيل التهم:
Section 363A of Indian Penal Code, 1860 - Kidnapping or Maiming a Minor for Purposes of Begging
التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

See above, Defendant 1, Charge 2

تفاصيل التهم:
Section 366A of Indian Penal Code, 1860 - Procuration of Minor Girl
Found guilty of the same charges as the other defendant earlier under the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Sections 363A, 366A); but released on probation under the Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 [Sections 4, 11(4)]
الغرامة / المدفوعات إلى الدولة:
أيضا  (Up to 10,000 USD)
أحكام الاستئناف:
In Part

The High Court set-aside the order of probation of the trial court. The court held that in view of the depraved nature of the crime it was wholly unjustified to extend the benefit of the Probation of Offenders Act to such an accused. Thus, the portion of the impugned judgment of the Trial Court enlarging the accused Samina Bibi on probation was forthwith set aside.

Samina Bibi was directed to undergo Rigorous Imprisonment for eight (8) years and to pay a fine of Rs. 2,000/- as awarded by the learned Trial Court originally in respect of the appellant, Foyam Sk. for both the charges under the Indian Penal Code.


High Court of Calcutta

المصادر / الاقتباسات

2004 (1) CHN 198