قاعدة بيانات السوابق القضائية


التجريم وإنفاذ القانون

• رشو الموظفين العموميين الوطنيين

جرائم المخدِّرات


• الزراعة/ الإنتاج/ التصنيع
• الشراء/ الحيازة
• التوزيع/ التسليم/ الإرسال/ النقل

المواد ذات الصلة

• heroin
• methamphetamine
• methaqualone

الكلمات الرئيسية

• الاتجار غير المشروع
• جريمتا التجارة والتوزيع
• جريمة الحيازة بغرض الإنتاج أو التصدير أو الاستيراد أو الاتجار
• جرائم تصنيع أو نقل أو توزيع المعدات أو المواد أو السلائف
• جريمة حيازة المعدات أو المواد أو السلائف
• تنظيم وإدارة وتمويل الاتجار بالمخدرات

إعاقة سير العدالة


• التدخل في ممارسة موظف قضـائي أو موظف معـني بإنفـاذ القـانون لمهامـه الرسمـية

الكلمات الرئيسية

• الوسائل الفاسدة

والمشاركة في جماعة إجرامية منظَّمة


• الاتفاق على ارتكاب جريمة خطيرة (التآمر)
• المشاركة في الأنشطة الإجرامية لجماعة إجرامية منظمة
• تنظيم ارتكاب جريمة تكون ضالعة فيها جماعة إجرامية منظمة، أو توجيهه أو المساعدة أو التحريض عليه أو تسهيله أو إسداء المشورة بشأنه

درجة الضلوع

• العلم بهدف أو أنشطة جماعة إجرامية منظمة أو بعزمها على ارتكاب الجرائم المعنية
• عمل علني تعزيزاً لاتفاق

الكلمات الرئيسية

• التآمر
• تنظيم/توجيه ارتكاب الجرائم (الخطيرة)
• المساعدة على ارتكاب الجرائم (الخطيرة)/ التحريض عليها/ تسهيلها/ إسداء المشورة بشأنها
• عمل علني تعزيزاً لاتفاق

United States of America v. Baktash Akasha Abdalla, et al. Defendants, No. 1:14-CR-00716-VM (S.D.N.Y. Jan. 10, 2020)

موجز لوقائع القضية

Baktash Akasha Abdalla and his brother, Ibrahim Akasha Abdalla, were the leader and deputy of a sophisticated international drug trafficking network, responsible for tonnes of narcotics shipments throughout the world. For over twenty years, they manufactured and distributed drugs and engaged in acts of violence toward those who posed a threat to their enterprise. When the brothers encountered legal interference, they bribed Kenyan officials—including judges, prosecutors, and police officers—to avoid extradition to the United States.

The brothers, along with two associates, were arrested in Mombasa, Kenya by Kenyan Anti-Narcotics Unit officers in 2014, after providing 99 kilograms of heroin and two kilograms of methamphetamine to confidential sources posing as representatives of a South American drug cartel at the direction of the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Following the arrests and pending extradition proceedings, the Akasha brothers continued criminal operations, using profits to bribe Kenyan officials. 

Their bribery scheme was frustrated in 2017 when the brothers were expelled from Kenya, and DEA agents took them to the United States for prosecution. The DEA praised the work of its Kenyan law enforcement counterparts and the government of Kenya.

On October 24, 2018, Baktash and Ibrahim Akasha pled guilty in a United States Federal Court to conspiring to import and importing heroin and methamphetamine, conspiring to use and carry machine guns and destructive devices in connection with their drug-trafficking crimes, and obstructing justice. In August 2019, Baktash was convicted to 25 years in prison. In January 2020, his brother Ibrahim received a sentence of 23 years in prison.

تاريخ صدور الحكم:

القضايا الشاملة


من أجل

• الجريمة المكتملة

تعتمد على ...

• القصد الإجرامي

تشمل ...

• الجاني الرئيسي / الجناة الرئيسيون

ارتكاب الأفعال الإجرامية


• المشاركة في جماعة إجرامية منظمة (المادة ۲ (أ) CTOC)
• وقعت في واحد (أو أكثر) الحدود الدولية (عبر الحدود الوطنية)


الهيئات المشاركة

• Drug Enforcement Administration (United States of America)
• U.S. Department of Justice (United States of America)
• Directorate of Criminal Investigations (Kenya)
• Director of Public Prosecutions (Kenya)
• Kenya Police Service (Kenya)

أساليب التحري الخاصة

• أساليب التحري الخاصة
• العملية السرية (العمليات السرية)/الهويات المنتحَلة/التسلل

التعاون الدولي

البلدان المشاركة

الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية



• التعاون الدولي على إنفاذ القانون (بما في ذلك الإنتربول)

العرض المجمل

The cooperation measures entailed a covert operation under the direction of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).


المعلومات الإجرائية

النظام القانوني:
القانون الأنغلوسكسوني
الحكم القضائي الأخير:
المحكمة الابتدائية
نوع الإجراءات:
المتهمون حوكموا:
معا (محاكمة واحدة)
مواصلة / تقدم #1:
  • المرحلة:
    المحاكمة الأولى
  • الرقم المرجعي الرسمي للقضية:
    United States of America v. Baktash Akasha Abdalla, et al. Defendants, No. 1:14-CR-00716-VM (S.D.N.Y. Jan. 10, 2020)
  • تاريخ القرار / الحكم:
    Fri Jan 10 00:00:00 CET 2020


    المحكمة الملكية

    United States District Court for the Southern District of New York



  • المدينة/البلدة:
    New York City
  • اقليم:
    New York
  • • المجرم


    The defendants Baktash Akasha Abdalla and Ibrahim Akasha Abdalla filed motions to compel the US government to produce documents in relation to their extradition, contended a violation of the extradition treaty between Kenya and the United States and contested the jurisdiction of the court. The claims were dismissed by the court. In October 2018, the Akasha brotheres, Baktash Akasha Abdalla and Ibrahim Akasha Abdalla, entered a guilty plea. The first was sentenced on 16 August 2019, the latter on 10 January 2020.


    المدعى عليهم / المتهمون في المحكمة الابتدائية

    عدد المتهمين الآخرين:
    المدعى عليه:
    Baktash Akasha Abdalla
    نوع الجنس:
    المدعى عليه:
    Ibrahim Akasha Abdalla
    نوع الجنس:
    المدعى عليه:
    Gulam Hussein
    نوع الجنس:
    المدعى عليه:
    Vijaygiri Anandgiri Goswami
    نوع الجنس:
    المدعى عليه:
    Muhammad Asif Hafeez
    نوع الجنس:

    Hafeez was provisionally arrested in London in August 2017, and the United States has requested his extradition from the United Kingdom. Further information about extradition proceedings against him was not available at the time of writing.


    المدعى عليه:
    Baktash Akasha Abdalla
    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 963, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(A)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to manufacture and distribute heroin, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 963, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(H)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to manufacture and distribute methamphetamine, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(A)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Distributing and aiding and abetting the distribution of heroin, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(H)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Distributing and aiding and abetting the distribution of methamphetamine, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    18 U.S.C. §§ 924(o), 924(c)(1)(A)(i), and 924(c)(1)(B)(ii)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to use and carry firearms during and in relation to the offenses charged in Counts One through Four; and using, carrying, and brandishing a firearm during and in relation to the offenses charged in Counts One through Four and possessing and brandishing firearms in furtherance of the same offenses.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding.

    مدة عقوبة السجن:
    25 سنوات
    الغرامة / المدفوعات إلى الدولة:
    100000  USD 
    المدعى عليه:
    Ibrahim Akasha Abdalla
    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 963, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(A)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to manufacture and distribute heroin, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 963, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(H)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to manufacture and distribute methamphetamine, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(A)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Distributing and aiding and abetting the distribution of heroin, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(H)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Distributing and aiding and abetting the distribution of methamphetamine, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    18 U.S.C. §§ 924(o), 924(c)(1)(A)(i), and 924(c)(1)(B)(ii)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to use and carry firearms during and in relation to the offenses charged in Counts One through Four; and using, carrying, and brandishing a firearm during and in relation to the offenses charged in Counts One through Four and possessing and brandishing firearms in furtherance of the same offenses.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding.

    مدة عقوبة السجن:
    23 سنوات
    المدعى عليه:
    Gulam Hussein
    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 963, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(A)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to manufacture and distribute heroin, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 963, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(H)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to manufacture and distribute methamphetamine, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(A)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Distributing and aiding and abetting the distribution of heroin, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(H)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Distributing and aiding and abetting the distribution of methamphetamine, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    18 U.S.C. §§ 924(o), 924(c)(1)(A)(i), and 924(c)(1)(B)(ii)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to use and carry firearms during and in relation to the offenses charged in Counts One through Four; and using, carrying, and brandishing a firearm during and in relation to the offenses charged in Counts One through Four and possessing and brandishing firearms in furtherance of the same offenses.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    المدعى عليه:
    Vijaygiri Anandgiri Goswami
    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 963, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(A)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to manufacture and distribute heroin, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 963, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(H)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to manufacture and distribute methamphetamine, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(A)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Distributing and aiding and abetting the distribution of heroin, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(H)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Distributing and aiding and abetting the distribution of methamphetamine, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    18 U.S.C. §§ 924(o), 924(c)(1)(A)(i), and 924(c)(1)(B)(ii)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to use and carry firearms during and in relation to the offenses charged in Counts One through Four; and using, carrying, and brandishing a firearm during and in relation to the offenses charged in Counts One through Four and possessing and brandishing firearms in furtherance of the same offenses.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    المدعى عليه:
    Muhammad Asif Hafeez
    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 963, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(A)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to manufacture and distribute heroin, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 963, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(H)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to manufacture and distribute methamphetamine, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(A)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Distributing and aiding and abetting the distribution of heroin, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    21 U.S.C. §§ 812, 959(a), 960(a)(3), and 960(b)(1)(H)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Distributing and aiding and abetting the distribution of methamphetamine, knowing and intending that it would be imported into the United States.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    18 U.S.C. §§ 924(o), 924(c)(1)(A)(i), and 924(c)(1)(B)(ii)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to use and carry firearms during and in relation to the offenses charged in Counts One through Four; and using, carrying, and brandishing a firearm during and in relation to the offenses charged in Counts One through Four and possessing and brandishing firearms in furtherance of the same offenses.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.

    التشريعات / الحالة / القانون:

    18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2)

    تفاصيل التهم:

    Conspiring to obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding.


    No information was available on whether the defendant was found guilty of his charge at the time of writing.


    United States District Court for the Southern District of New York

    المصادر / الاقتباسات