законодательной базы данных

Преступления, оказывающие воздействие на окружающую среду
  • Преступления

    • • Преступления против живой природы
      • Преступления против рыбных ресурсов
      • Преступления против лесных ресурсов
  • запрещенное деяние

    • • Охота (браконьерство)/убийство
      • Вырубка
      • Заготовка
      • Лов
  • Ключевые слова

    • • Охота (браконьерство)/убийство
      • Вырубка
      • Заготовка
      • Лов
      • Добыча
      • Документация

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Activities in conservation areas

Article 26
(Activities undertaken in conservation areas)
1. For reasons of necessity, utility or public interest, and in accordance with the objectives of each category of the area, activities may be authorized in the conservation areas referred to in this Law, including:
a) concessions for the exercise of the tourist activity;
b) concessions for hunting; 
c) hunting, fishing and exploitation of the forest resource; 
d) capture of live animals and harvesting of eggs;
e) beekeeping;
f) scientific research.
2. Other activities may be authorized if foreseen in the management plan.

Article 27
(Legislation applicable to the activities in conservation areas)
Concessions for the pursuit of tourism, hunting, fishing, forestry, beekeeping and scientific research are implemented in accordance with the specific legislation, permissions and restrictions imposed by this Law and the management plan of the conservation area in question.

Article 28 
(Hunting modalities)
1. Hunting shall observe the following modalities:
a) Single license hunting
b) sports hunting;
c) commercial hunting.
2. The terms and conditions and the annual quotas for hunting wild animals, as well as the instruments allowed for hunting in the modalities referred to in the previous number, shall be established by specific diploma.

Article 29
(Single license hunting)
1. Simple license hunting by local communities in sustainable use conservation areas and in buffer zones in order to meet their own consumption needs.
2. Licensing of hunting for members of local communities, under the terms of the previous number, and done by local councils according to customary norms and practices and in coordination with the sector overseeing this matter.

Article 30
(Sports hunting)
Sports hunting is done by national and foreign natural persons in the official estates, game farms and other sustainable use conservation areas and buffer zones, in accordance with the management plan.

Article 31
(Commercial hunting)
Commercial hunting is done by natural or legal persons on game farms, with a view to obtain the remains or trophies for marketing, through the breeding of wild animals under the terms of this Law and other applicable legislation. 

Article 32
(Hunting instruments and means)
Restrictions on game hunting are subject to specific regulations and the use of means and instruments that result in the indiscriminate capture or killing of species or individuals such as fires, explosives, ties, mechanical traps, poisonous substances and automatic firearms are not allowed. 

Article 33
(Hunting in defence of persons and property)
1. Hunting outside the modalities provided for in this Law is only permitted in defense of persons and property, against current or impending attacks of wild animals when it is not possible to frighten or capture them;
2. The hunting referred to in this article shall be carried out promptly, after the facts have been known, by the specialized brigades of the State or by the private sector and by the duly authorized local communities. 

Article 34
(Closed season)
It is incumbent upon the Council of Minsiters to establish the general and special closed seasons provided for in this Law.

Article 35
(Hunting concessions)
The specific conditions for hunting activities are establishes by proper diploma for the official estates, game farms in other sustainable conservation areas and buffer zones under concession. 


Комплексные вопросы

  • Ответственность

    • Ответственность юридических лиц

      • • Гражданский