Судебная базы данных


Деяния, связанные с использованием компьютера в целях извлечения личной или финансовой выгоды

• Нарушения авторского права / торгового знака
• Отсылка/ контроль отсылки СПАМ

Ключевые слова

• Электронные доказательства

Отмывание денег


• Конверсия/перевод доходов от преступлений

Участие в организованной преступной группе


• Участие в преступной деятельности организованной преступной группы
• Организация, руководство, пособничество, подстрекательство, содействие или дача советов при совершении преступления с участием организованной преступной группы
• Договоренность о совершении серьезного преступления (сговор)

Prosecution vs. Baksa Timea and others

Краткое изложение обстоятельств дела

Hungarian authorities disbanded an internet-based criminal organisation with country-wide ties. The high volume of illegal content seized proves the wide magnitude of the operation.

Illegal activities involved the use of ‘smswarez’ - an internet slang expression referring to  the unlawful sale of copyright-protected content in return for payment through SMS; ‘smswebs’ – which is a web page from which copyright-protected content can be downloaded in return for payment via SMS; and torrents – a p2p downloading technique. The main feature of this system is that the higher is the number of users sharing a file, the easier and faster is to download it.

Criminal activities started in 2002 and evidence shows that the group had a well-structured organization in 2006. The organization had at least 30 membersand its purpose was to make profits out of the unlawful trade of copyright-protected content.  The head of the criminal organisation was [B]. The other conspirators reported to him. [A] was responsible for the “sms” system. He developed the core of all the programmes by order of [B]. He also replaced  [B] in the server rooms of the offices of the criminal organisation. [G] sent out SPAM messages. According to his statement he sent out 16-20 million SPAM messages.
The organization ran several server rooms,storing legal and illegal content. Some of the rooms were not declared to the competent authorities.
The illegal data stored in the server rooms was used to send out links to illegal web pages, spam messages, lists of e-mails, domain registration.

[H] and [I] were in charge of technical support and operated the servers. The server rooms were registered as usef for internet hosting purposes in order to cover their illegal activities. organization declared that the purpose of the server rooms server-hosting activity. [J] was in charge domain registration.

According to the information gathered by law enforcement, the criminal organization laundered 761.000.000 HUF between 2007 and 2009. [B] used different kinds of punishment for the employees who did not abide by his instructions.

Комментарий и существенные особенности

This organisation was the first criminal group whose activity was exclusively based on the infringement of copyright. There was a definite hierarchical relationship within the organization and the proceeds were shared according to the hierarchical level.

The perpetrators tried to launder proceeds of illegal activities by establishing bogus companies. Among the individuals involved were also lawyers, accountants and legal experts.

Комплексные вопросы


... За

• Совершенное преступление

... основанная на

• Преступный умысел

... влечет

• Основной(ые) правонарушитель(ли)
• Участник, Посредник, Соучастник
• Организатор/руководитель

Совершение правонарушения


• Участие в организованная преступная группа (Статья 2(a) CTOC)
• Происходил по одному (или более) международных границ (транснациональном)

Участвующие страны




Конфискация и арест

Арестованные денежные средства:
48000000 HUF

Арестованное имущество

5 cars and high-tech instruments (servers, laptops, etc.).


Специальные методы расследования

• Электронные или другие формы наблюдения


Law enforcement searched 5 server rooms in April 2009. Law enforcement seized 43 servers (approximate size: 200-250 terabyte). Further 5 servers were seized at a later stage.

High-tech devices were examined with analytical software, such as FTK and Encase.

The investigation revealed that [B] was engaged in money laundering and was assisted by [E] and other Ukrainian nationals. Among the conspirators were also an accountant and a lawyer. The laundered money was transferred through bogus companies and then withdrew from ATM-machines by the conspirators.


Международное сотрудничество

Участвующие страны



• Международное сотрудничество правоохранительных органов (включая Интерпол)

Краткое изложение

Hungarian authorities sent a request to Romanian authorities via INTERPOL channels in order to obtain information on the death of the leader of the criminal organisation, [B].  Romanian authorities provided the requested information.


Информация процедурного характера

Правовая система:
Гражданское право
Последнее решение суда:
Суд первой инстанции
Вид разбирательства:

Prosecutors are still working on the case, no proposal for accusation has been issued as of yet.



Лицо мужского пола
Лицо мужского пола

Leader of the criminal organisation

Лицо мужского пола
Лицо мужского пола
Лицо мужского пола
Лицо мужского пола