Судебная базы данных


Участие в организованной преступной группе


• Участие в преступной деятельности организованной преступной группы

Ключевые слова

• Преступное сообщество
• Пособничество/ подстрекательство/ содействие/ дача советов при совершении (серьезного) преступления

Public Prosecutor v Law Aik Meng

Краткое изложение обстоятельств дела

Law Aik Meng is a Malaysian national who operated as a member of an organised syndicate in West Malaysia. His involvement with the syndicate arose from a number of debts in respect of which he was being harassed by his creditors. The objective of the syndicate was to skim data from genuine ATM cards in order to manufacture cloned copies in order to make fraudulent withdrawals. In order to do so the syndicate installed skimming devices in ATM’s, that would capture card information while a pinhole camera concealed above the ATM monitor would record the victim keying in their PIN. Data would then be transmitted wirelessly to a MP4 player concealed nearby. The cards created would be used throughout Singapore’s ATM network to withdraw cash.

Mr Meng’s role in the syndicate was to instal the skimming devices in ATMs in Singapore then lie in wait in the vicinity. Once data were captured, the skimming devices would be removed and he would transmit the data to West Malaysia. Mr Meng was also responsible for using cloned cards to make fraudulent withdrawals. With Mr Meng’s help, the syndicate successfully withdrew Sing$18,590 from Post Office Savings Bank (POSB). This activity took place over three months in 2006. The activity was, however, detected and responded to by authorities. Some 849 POSB accounts were compromised and the Development Bank of Singapore Limited (DBS) had to block and replace each account. The Assistant Vice President of Compliance Services of the Development Bank of Singapore called the police 24 May 2006 to inform them of skimming devices which had been located. A police investigation ensued and Mr Meng was arrested in connection with the case and taken to the Commercial Affairs Department for further investigation. No co-conspirators of Mr Meng were apprehended.

Комментарий и существенные особенности

Mr Cheng’s involvement in a criminal enterprise that related to skimming data from ATM’s was the first case of its kind in Singapore. In the course of the trial it was discussed how activities of this nature disrupt economic integrity, making deterrence of such crimes of critical importance. Compounding this issue was the difficulty of detection of ATM skimming adding to the need for a deterrent sentence. 
Дата вынесения приговора:
Ben Russell, Graduate Intern, Macquarie University and Australian Institute of Criminology

Комплексные вопросы


... За

• Совершенное преступление

... основанная на

• Преступный умысел

... влечет

• Основной(ые) правонарушитель(ли)

Совершение правонарушения


• Участие в организованная преступная группа (Статья 2(a) CTOC)


Участвующие учреждения

• Commercial Affairs Department
• Singapore Police Force

Информация процедурного характера

Правовая система:
Общее право
Последнее решение суда:
Высокий суд
Вид разбирательства:
Судебное разбирательство #1:
  • Стадия:
    первое судебное разбирательство
  • Официальная ссылка на дело:
    PP v Law Aik Meng [2006] SGDC 243
  • Дата вынесения решения/приговора:
    Tue Oct 31 00:00:00 CET 2006


    Название суда

    Singapore District Court
    • Уголовный


    Mr Cheng pleaded guilty to 2 charges of engaging with accomplices to cause a computer to secure access to data contrary to section 4 (10) of the Computer Misuse Act and 4 charges of conspiring with accomplices to commit theft of cash contrary to section 379 of the Penal Code. 94 further charges contrary to s 379, 108, and 511 of the Penal Code were taken into consideration for the purposes of sentencing. The court noted various aggravating factors, including that the offences occurred in a group.

    Mr Cheng’s case was the first of its kind in Singapore involving an entire criminal enterprise perpetrating ATM fraud. The difficulty of detecting such crimes was a key point raised in the sentencing hearing which emphasized the need for a deterrent sentence.

    Sentencing: Mr Cheng pleaded guilty to 2 charges of engaging with accomplices to cause a computer to secure access to data contrary to section 4 (10) of the Computer Misuse Act and 4 charges of conspiring with accomplices to commit theft of cash contrary to section 379 of the Penal Code. 94 further charges contrary to s 379, 108, and 511 of the Penal Code were taken into consideration for the purposes of sentencing. The court noted various aggravating factors, including that the offences occurred in a group.

    Mr Cheng's case was the first of its kind in Singapore involving an entire criminal enterprise perpetrating ATM fraud. The difficulty of detecting such crimes was a key point raised in the sentencing hearing which emphasized the need for a deterrent sentence.

    Defendant Submissions: Mr Cheng submitted that he was not a mastermind of the criminal group and that he regretted his role in the offences. He sought the minimum sentence provided by law.

    Prosecution Submissions: It was the prosecution case that the court should impose a sentence to promote deterrence due to various aggravating factors including the following: over 100 charges had been laid; sophisticated techniques were employed over a period of three months; there was a high degree of planning and organisation in which the accused played an active role; the accused was a member of an organised syndicate; and, finally, a large amount of money was stolen. The court also raised the need for general deterrence owing to the problematic nature of ATM fraud targeting financial institutions and that it was in the public interest for a message to be sent to like-minded individuals to discourage similar conduct. The court also noted that such offences undermine confidence in Singapore's efforts to become an economic hub.

    Trial decision: The trial judge agreed with the prosecution that such crimes would erode confidence in the commercial and electronic banking systems of Singapore. He was of the view that such circumstances warranted a deterrent sentence. It was determined that it would be appropriate for Mr Meng to serve a sentence of 52 months on each of the CMA charges proceeded with, and six months' imprisonment on each of the theft charges. These sentences were ordered to run consecutively. In effect, the entire sentence to be served by the offender was 52 months' imprisonment.

    Судебное разбирательство #2:
  • Стадия:
  • Официальная ссылка на дело:
    Public Prosecutor v Law Aik Meng [2007] SGHC 33
  • Дата вынесения решения/приговора:
    Wed Mar 07 00:00:00 CET 2007


    Название суда

    Singapore High Court
    • Уголовный


    The prosecution appealed the sentence imposed on Mr Meng. The prosecution case revolved around the application of the four broad principles of sentencing of deterrence, retribution, prevention and rehabilitation. In a case such as that of Mr Meng where he was the principal person involved in a sophisticated syndicate who sought to defraud financial institutions, the prosecution claimed that the principles of deterrence and retribution were paramount. The prosecution successfully argued the importance of these principles and how they applied to sentencing in the current case. Mr Meng was resentenced to 144 months’ imprisonment: 42 months’ imprisonment for each of the two CMA charges; 15 months’ imprisonment for each of the four theft charges. The sentences in all six charges are to run consecutively, giving rise to a term of 144 months’ (12 years’) imprisonment.



    Правовые основания:
    See Legal Proceeding #1
    Law Aik Meng
    Лицо мужского пола

    Обвинения / Иски / Решения

    Law Aik Meng

    Section 4 read with section 10 of the Computer Misuse Act (Chapter 50A)

    Подробная информация о пунктах обвинения:

    2 counts of engaging with accomplices to cause a computer to secure access to the data in the Central Computer Systems of the Development Bank of Singapore Limited

    Section 379 read with section 109 of the Penal Code (Chapter 244)
    Подробная информация о пунктах обвинения:
    4 counts of Conspiring with accomplices to commit theft of cash from the possession of DBS through an ATM
    Срок лишения свободы:
    12 лет


    Singapore High Court