The police were notified by a witness that the two defendants, Alaadin and Sa’ed, were harbouring, promoting and exploiting Asian girls for the purpose of prostitution. When defendant Sa'ed was arrested, he had four girls who he was trying to exploit and he was having sexual relations with two of them, one of whom was pregnant as a result.
The Court found both defendants guilty of human trafficking based on its definition under Article 3/A/1 of the Jordanian Law to Combat Human Trafficking. Based upon Article 8 of the Law, they were sentenced to 6 months in prison.
Trafficking in persons type of offence
Articles 3/A/1 and 8 of the Law to Combat Human Trafficking
Human trafficking
Trafficking in persons type of offence
Articles 3/A/1 and 8 of the Law to Combat Human Trafficking
Human trafficking