законодательной базы данных

 Chapter II
 Article 7-9
 Section 1

Статьи КОП ООН

  • Конвенция против организованной преступности

  • Статья 16: Выдача
  • Протокол о торговле людьми

  • Протокол о незаконном ввозе мигрантов

  • Протокол об огнестрельном оружии


    Подлинный текст

    Section 1
    Conditions for Extradition

    Article 7
    Request for extradition made by a foreign state to the People's Republic of China may be granted only when it meets the following conditions:

    (1) the conduct indicated in the request for extradition constitutes an offence according to the laws of both the People's Republic of China and the Requesting State; and

    (2) where the request for extradition is made for the purpose of instituting criminal proceedings, the offence indicated in the request for extradition is, under the laws of both the People's Republic of China and the Requesting State, punishable by a fixed term of imprisonment for one year or more or by any other heavier criminal penalty; where the request for extradition is made for the purpose of executing a criminal penalty, the period of sentence that remains to be served by the person sought is at least six months at the time when the request is made.

    If the request for extradition concerns miscellaneous offences which conform to the provisions of Subparagraph (1) of the preceding paragraph, as long as one of the offences conforms to the provisions of Subparagraph (2) of the preceding paragraph, extradition may be granted for all of those offences.

    Article 8
    The request for extradition made by a foreign state to the People's Republic of China shall be rejected if:

    (1) the person sought is a national of the People's Republic of China under the laws of the People's Republic of China;

    (2) at the time the request is received, the judicial organ of the People's Republic of China has rendered an effective judgement or terminated the criminal proceedings in respect of the offence indicated in the request for extradition;

    (3) the request for extradition is made for a political offence, or the People's Republic of China has granted asylum to the person sought;

    (4) the person sought is one against whom penal proceedings instituted or punishment may be executed for reasons of that person's race, religion, nationality, sex, political opinion or personal status, or that person may, for any of those reasons, be subjected to unfair treatment in judicial proceedings;

    (5) the offence indicated in the request for extradition is a purely military offence under the laws of the People's Republic of China or the laws of the Requesting State;

    (6) the person sought is, under the laws of the People's Republic of China or the laws of the Requesting State, immune from criminal responsibility because, at the time the request is received, the limitation period for prosecuting the offence expires or the person is pardoned, or for other reasons;

    (7) the person sought has been or will probably be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or humiliating treatment or punishment in the Requesting State;

    (8) the request for extradition is made by the Requesting State on the basis of a judgement rendered by default, unless the Requesting State undertakes that the person sought has the opportunity to have the case retried under conditions of his presence.

    Article 9
    The request for extradition made by a foreign state to the People's Republic of China may be rejected if:

    (1) the People's Republic of China has criminal jurisprudence over the offence indicated in the request and criminal proceedings are being instituted against the person or preparations are being made for such proceedings; or

    (2) extradition is incompatible with humanitarian considerations in view of the age, health or other conditions of the person sought.