законодательной базы данных

Участие в организованной преступной группе
  • Преступления

    • • Договоренность о совершении серьезного преступления (сговор)
 Chapter VA
 Section 113A-113B

Статьи КОП ООН

  • Конвенция против организованной преступности

  • Статья 5: Криминализация участия в организованной преступной группе
  • Протокол о торговле людьми

  • Протокол о незаконном ввозе мигрантов

  • Протокол об огнестрельном оружии


    Подлинный текст



    Definition of conspiracy .

    (1) If two or more persons agree to commit or abet or act together with a common purpose for or in committing or abetting an offence, whether with or without any previous concert or deliberation, each of them is guilty of the offence of conspiracy to commit or abet that offence, as the case may be.

    (2) A person within Sri Lanka can be guilty of conspiracy by agreeing with another person who is beyond Sri Lanka for the commission or abetment of any offence to be committed by them or either of them, or by any other person, either within or beyond Sri Lanka ; and, for the purposes of this subsection as to an offence to be committed beyond Sri Lanka offence means any act which if done within Sri Lanka would be an offence under this Code or under any other law.


    This section shall not exceed to the case in which the conspiracy is between a husband and his wife.

    Punishment for conspiracy.
    113B. If two or more persons are guilty of the offence of conspiracy for the commission or abetment of any offence, each of them shall be punished in the same manner as if he had abetted such offence.

