законодательной базы данных

Торговля людьми
  • Преступления

    • • Торговля людьми (взрослыми)
      • Торговля детьми (младше 18 лет)

Статьи КОП ООН

  • Конвенция против организованной преступности

  • Протокол о торговле людьми

  • Любая статья
  • Протокол о незаконном ввозе мигрантов

  • Протокол об огнестрельном оружии


    Подлинный текст

    (1) There is established for the Agency a Victims of Trafficking Trust Fund (in this Act
    referred to as “the Trust Fund”), into which shall be paid:
    (a) any grant and special intervention funds as may be provided by the Federal Government;
    (b) such monies as may be appropriated to meet the objectives of the Trust Fund by the
    National Assembly;
    (c) proceeds of the sale of assets and properties of convicted traffickers derived from
    acts which constitute an offence under this Act;
    (d) aids, grants, gifts, bequests, endowments, donations or assistance from local and
    international Agencies, non – Governmental organizations, other donor agencies,
    partners and the private sector;
    (e) any other moneys which may accrue to the Trust Fund from time to time.

    (2) The sources of monies referred to in paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of this section shall be acceptable to the Trust Fund by the Agency except where the terms and  conditions attached to the aid, grant, gift, bequest, endowment, donation or assistance are inconsistent with the objective of the Trust Fund or the provisions of this Act.

    (3) The Minister shall make regulations and issue guidelines for the management of the Fund established under subsection (1) of this section and related matters.

    (4) The Trust Fund shall be utilized -
    (i) to pay compensation, restitution and damages to trafficked persons;
    (ii) to fund victim support services for trafficked persons.

    (1) There is established for the Trust Fund, a body to be known as the Victims of
    Trafficking Trust Fund Committee (in this Act referred to as ‘the Trust Fund Committee)
    which shall be constituted by the Minister subject to the provisions of this Act.

    (2) The Committee shall subject to the provisions of this Act, administer and have general control over the management of the Trust Fund.

    (3) The membership of the Trust Fund Committee shall consist of –
    (a) the Minister who shall be the Chairman;
    (b) Director – General of the Agency;
    (c) a representative of each of the following Federal Ministries and Agencies -
    (i) Federal Ministry of Women Affairs; and
    (ii) National Directorate of Employment.
    (d) a representative of Non – Governmental Organizations whose focus is on the
    eradication of trafficking in persons and other related matters;

    (4) The Trust Fund Committee shall be responsible for –
    (a) managing all monies, aids, grants, gifts, bequests, endowments, donations or assistance accruing to the fund;
    (b) soliciting for funds for the Victims of Trafficking Trust Fund;
    (c) approving monies from the fund to such victims of trafficking on criteria approved by
    the Committee;

    Provided that where it is expedient, and subject to the approval of the Minister, the
    Director-General shall have power to disburse monies, not exceeding N500,000.00 to a

    (5) Subject to the provisions of subsection (6) of this section, a member of the Committee, shall hold office for a term of 3 years in the first instance and may be eligible for reappointment for another term of 3 years and no more.

    (6) A member of the Trust Fund Committee shall cease to hold office if he –
    (a) resigns his appointment by a notice in writing;
    (b) becomes of unsound mind;
    (c) becomes bankrupt or makes compromise with his creditors;
    (d) is convicted of a felony or any offence involving dishonesty; or
    (e) is guilty of misconduct in relation to his duties.

    (7) The Trust Fund Committee–
    (a) shall meet at least twice in a year and on such other occasions as it may consider
    (b) may make rules and standing orders to regulate its proceedings or those of its
    (c) may co-opt any person to assist it in carrying out its assignments under this Act,
    provided that a co-opted member shall not have the right to vote at Trust Fund
    Committee’s meetings; and
    (d) may appoint one or more sub-committees to carry out its functions on its behalf.



    Please refer to the attachment above for the full original English text of Nigeria's Trafficking in Persons (Prohibition), Enforcement and Administration Act.