законодательной базы данных

Воспрепятствование правосудию
  • Секторы

    • • Публичные должностные лица
  • Совершение правонарушения при участии

    • • Обещание/ предложение/ предоставление неправомерного преимущества
  • Для того, чтобы

    • • Вмешательство в выполнение должностных обязанностей должностным лицом судебных или правоохранительных органов
 Part 6
 Section 104-105
 Bribery and corruption

Статьи КОП ООН

  • Конвенция против организованной преступности

  • Статья 23: Криминализация воспрепятствования осуществлению правосудия
  • Протокол о торговле людьми

  • Протокол о незаконном ввозе мигрантов

  • Протокол об огнестрельном оружии


    Подлинный текст

    104 Corruption and bribery of law enforcement officer

    (1) Every law enforcement officer is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who corruptly accepts or obtains, or agrees or offers to accept or attempts to obtain, any bribe for himself or any other person in respect of any act done or omitted, or to be done or omitted, by him in his official capacity.

    (2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who corruptly gives or offers or agrees to give any bribe to any person with intent to influence any law enforcement officer in respect of any act or omission by him in his official capacity.

    Compare: 1908 No 32 s 127

    105 Corruption and bribery of official

    (1) Every official is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who, whether within New Zealand or elsewhere, corruptly accepts or obtains, or agrees or offers to accept or attempts to obtain, any bribe for himself or any other person in respect of any act done or omitted, or to be done or omitted, by him in his official capacity.

    (2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who corruptly gives or offers or agrees to give any bribe to any person with intent to influence any official in respect of any act or omission by him in his official capacity.

    Compare: Criminal Code (1954) s 102 (Canada)

