Судебная базы данных

Торговля людьми


• Торговля людьми (взрослыми)

Соответствующие действия

• Вербовка/наем

Используемые средства

• Угроза применения силы или других форм принуждения

Цели эксплуатации

• Эксплуатация проституции других лиц или другие формы сексуальной эксплуатации

Case 0715

Краткое изложение обстоятельств дела

According to evidence presented in court and documents filed in connection with the case, Patel acknowledged that, in his role as the former owner of the Riviera Motel, he regularly rented rooms to individuals who are charged as sex trafficking co-conspirators in connection with this case, knowing they were pimps who forced and coerced women to engage in prostitution.  Patel admitted that although he never personally recruited, groomed, or coerced any of the victims, he benefited financially from the sex trafficking operation.

Evidence presented at the plea hearing and court documents establish that Patel would charge the pimps and sex trafficking co-conspirators higher rates than other motel guests, and would open the motel’s gate to allow the women to bring customers back to the hotel.  Patel learned that members of the sex trafficking conspiracy physically assaulted women they prostituted, including one instance in which a co-conspirator brutally beat one woman with a large piece of wood while she screamed for help, leaving her with multiple lacerations and what appeared to be a broken arm.  Patel also saw the damage that a co-conspirator caused to a motel room during a beating, including a broken toilet, a damaged sink, and blood on the walls. Patel agreed not to call the police after the co-conspirator paid him for the damage to the room.  Patel also knew that, in furtherance of the sex trafficking scheme, members of the sex trafficking conspiracy would take the women’s identification cards from them.  Patel saw the sex trafficking co-conspirators possessing the women’s identification cards and using them to rent hotels.  Patel did not report them to police as long as they paid their rent.  Five other defendants who personally recruited, groomed, and coerced the victims have also pleaded guilty to sex trafficking offenses in connection with the case.

Комментарий и существенные особенности

Patel is the first defendant in the United States to be convicted of a human trafficking offense solely based on the “benefiters” theory of criminal liability in the TVPA.

Дата вынесения приговора:
U.S. Department of State

Ключевые слова

Угроза применения или применение силы или иных форм принуждения
Цель эксплуатации:
Эксплуатация проституции других лиц или другие формы сексуальной эксплуатации

Комплексные вопросы


... За

• Совершенное преступление

Информация процедурного характера

Правовая система:
Общее право
Последнее решение суда:
Суд первой инстанции
Вид разбирательства:

1st Instance

Court: United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana

Date of decision: July 1, 2015


Потерпевшие / Истцы в первой инстанции

Several Anonymous Women
Лицо женского пола


Число других обвиняемых:
Kanubhai Patel
Лицо мужского пола
Five other defendants

Обвинения / Иски / Решения

Kanubhai Patel
Подробная информация о пунктах обвинения:
Benefitting Financially from Trafficking in Persons
Срок лишения свободы:
5 лет
Five other defendants
Подробная информация о пунктах обвинения:
Sex Trafficking


United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana