Base de Datos de Legislación

Obstrucción de la justicia
  • Sectores

    • • Funcionarios públicos
  • El delito incluye

    • • Fuerza física/amenazas/intimidación
  • Con el fin de

    • • Obstaculizar el cumplimiento de las funciones oficiales de un funcionario de justicia o funcionario encargado de hacer cumplir la ley
  • Palabras clave

    • • Medios coercitivos
 Article 352 - 354

Artículos UNTOC

  • Convención contra la Delincuencia Organizada

  • Artículo 23: Penalización de la obstrucción de la justicia
  • Protocolo contra la Trata de Personas

  • Protocolo contra el Tráfico Ilícito de Migrantes

  • Protocolo sobre Armas de Fuego


    Texto original

    Article 352

    Exerting Pressure upon Public Defendor

    1. Exerting pressure upon the Public Defendor in whatever form, intended to obstruct his/her official activities,- shall be punishable by fine or by corrective labour extending from one to two years in length or by restriction of freedom for up to two years in length or by jail term extending up to three months.
    2. The same action perpetrated by using one’s official position,- shall be punishable by imprisonment up to two years in length, by deprivation of the right to occupy a position or pursue a particular activity for the term not in excess of three years or without it.

    Article 353

    Resistance, Threat or Violence against Protector of Public Order or Other Government Representative

    1. Resisting a police officer or any other government representative to impede the protection of public order or terminate or change his/her activity, as well as coercing thereof into an explicitly unlawful action, perpetrated under violence or threat of violence,- shall be punishable by fine or by restriction of freedom for up to three years in length or by imprisonment for up to five years in length.
    2. The same action perpetrated by a prior consent of a group,- shall be punishable by jail term extending from four to six months or by imprisonment for up to seven years in length.

    Article 354

    Disclosure of Data on Extent of Protection Applied to Officer of Law Enforcement or Controlling Body

    1. Disclosure of the data on the extent of protection applied to an officer, or a family member thereof, of the law-enforcement or controlling body in order to impede official activities of such officer,- shall be punishable by fine or by jail term up to four months.
    2. The same action that through negligence has given rise to any grave consequence,- shall carry legal consequences of imprisonment up to five years in length.



    Please note that this law is not from an official source.
    Please note this is an unofficial translation.