Este módulo es un recurso para los catedráticos
Lecturas avanzadas
Se recomiendan las siguientes lecturas para los estudiantes interesados en explorar los temas de este Módulo con más detalle, y para los profesores que enseñan el módulo.
- Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas (2015). ‘Human rights and the regulation of civilian acquisition, possession and use of firearms’ Sesión Veintinueve del Consejo de Derechos Humanos.
- Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas (2016). ’Human rights and the regulation of civilian acquisition, possession and use of firearms’, Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, A/HRC/32/21.
- Batchelor, Peter y Kai Michael Kenkel (eds) (2014). Controlling Small Arms: Consolidation, innovation and relevance in Research and Policy. New York: Routledge.
- Bowen, Erica y Helen Poole (eds) (2016 ). Examination of Firearms and Forensics in Europe and Across Territories : EFFECT Project. Coventry: Coventry University.
- Duquet, Nils (ed) (2018). Triggering Terror: Illicit Gun Markets and Firearms Acquisition of Terrorist Networks in Europe . Brussels: Flemish Peace Institute.
- Duquet, Nils y Kevin Goris (2018). Firearms acquisition by terrorists in Europe: Research findings and policy recommendations of Project SAFTE . Brussels: Flemish Peace Institute.
- ENACT (2017). Illicit arms and organised crime threaten Africa's development . Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies.
- Federación de Científicos Estadounidenses (s.f.). The Global Threat of Small Arms and Light Weapons - A Primer . Washington DC: Federation of American Scientists.
- Gabor, Thomas (2016). Confronting Gun Violence in America. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Greene, Owen y Nic Marsh (eds) (2012). Small Arms, Crime and Conflict: Global governance and the threat of armed violence . Abingdon: Routledge.
- Karp, Aaron (2018). 'Estimating Global Civilian Owned Firearms Numbers', Briefing Paper June 2018. Geneva: Small Arms Survey.
- Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (2016). Human rights and the regulation of civilian acquisition, possession and use of firearms , Human Rights Council Resolution 29/10, Geneva: OHCHR.
- Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) (s.f.).The Economic Dimensions of Interpersonal Violence.
- Shroeder, Matt y Rachel Stohl (2006). Small Arms, Large Problem: The International Threat of Small Arms Proliferation and Misuse . Washington DC:Arms Control Association.
- Small Arms Survey (2011). Private Security. A Booming Business . Ginebra: Small Arms Survey.
- Small Arms Survey (2018). ‘Estimating Global Civilian Owned Firearms Numbers’ Documento informativo, junio de 2018.
- Squires, Peter (2014). Gun Crime in Global Contexts .Londres: Routledge (Routledge Capítulos 3 y 7).
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2013). Global Study on Homicide . Vienna: UNODC.
- Waters, H., Hyder, A., Rajkotia, Y., Basu, S., Rehwinkel, J. A. and Butchart, A. (2004). The Economic Dimensions of Interpersonal Violence . Department of Injuries and Violence Prevention, Geneva: World Health Organization.