The first defendant, H.S.A.A.M., travelled to Egypt in 2009 and sold his kidney. Upon return to Jordan, he was arrested for selling an organ in exchange for money as this is prohibited under Articles 10 and 4/c of the Jordanian Law on the Utilization of Human Organs. The defendant confessed to the crime, but stated that he was forced to sell his kidney. Defendants G.A.G.A.A. and A.M.S.S. stated that they were not involved.
The Court held that there was not sufficient evidence to convict defendant G.A.G.A.A. or defendant A.M.S.S. of the crime, therefore both were acquitted. Defendant H.S.A.A.M. was found guilty of selling an organ in exchange for money and sentenced to 1 year in prison.
Articles 4/c and 10 of the Law on the Utilization of Human Organs
Selling an organ in exchange for money
Trafficking in persons type of offence
Forcing another to sell or donate their kidney in exchange for money
Trafficking in persons type of offence
Forcing another to sell or donate their kidney in exchange for money