Base de Datos de Legislación

Delitos que afectan al medio ambiente
  • Detalles

    • • Zona o hábitat protegidos
      • Zona o hábitat protegidos

Artículos UNTOC

  • Convención contra la Delincuencia Organizada

  • Artículo 11: Proceso, fallo y sanciones
  • Protocolo contra la Trata de Personas

  • Protocolo contra el Tráfico Ilícito de Migrantes

  • Protocolo sobre Armas de Fuego


    Texto original

    93.Any person who —

    (a) knowingly introduces an invasive species into a wildlife conservation area an invasive species; or
    (b) fails to comply with the measures prescribed by the Cabinet Secretary set out under this Act,

    commits an offence and shall be liable upon conviction to a fine of not less than three hundred thousand shillings or to imprisonment of not less than one year or to both such fine and imprisonment.