Base de Datos de Legislación

Delincuencia cibernética
  • Actos específicos relacionados con la informática

    • • Producción/distribución/posesión de material de abuso sexual infantil
      • Instigación/Captación de niños para fines sexuales

Fecha de aprobación:



Texto original

Producing and distributing child pornography.
(1) A person who–
(a) makes, produces, distributes, transmits, prints or publishes child pornography;
(b) imports, exports, advertises, sells or shows child pornography; or
(c) possesses child pornography for the purpose of distributing, publishing, exporting, selling or showing it, commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a term of imprisonment not exceeding ten years.

Possessing or accessing child pornography.
27. A person who knowingly–
(a) possesses child pornography; or
(b) accesses child pornography by causing child
pornography to be viewed by or transmitted
to himself or herself,
commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a term of
imprisonment not exceeding ten years.

Use of children for pornographic purposes.
A person who–
(a) invites or causes a child to be in any way concerned in the making or production of child pornography;
(b) procures a child for the purpose of making or producing child pornography; or
(c) having the care or custody of a child, consents to or allows the child to be used for the production of child pornography,
commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a term of imprisonment not exceeding fifteen years.





Archivos adjuntos


Please note that this law stems from an unofficial source.